Chapter 6-A lost friend

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Yeah Chapter 6 doods ;)

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Chapter 6 - A lost friend

*At rigel's House*

Ruth's P.O.V

The sun was Shining It was a sunny saturday I prepared My things

My Ranger hat, Bow ,Quiver with arrows, My ranger amulet , and some things i placed it in my backpack and wore a shirt, Jeans , and Shoes i then went Out And walked to Rigel's place I was accompanied with my trusty pet Winterflame My pet was in its Puppy form So other people wont get nuts if it Was a wolf

After walking for hours I finally arrived at rigel's House

i Checked My Notes

Rigel's House:

132 gemini st. Lotus subdivision,maa Davao city ( Lol not true adress)

I went to the front Door And knocked

*Knock knock*

I hear a loud Voice

"Sino po yan?" (Who is that?)

"Classmate po ni rigel" ( im rigel's classmate)

"Rigel!!!!!! ang gan Friend mo" (Rigel Your friend is there!!)

someone then opens a door I see a girl

She had Short black hair, Fairish white skin,and brown eyes She wore an assassin Amulet And a toolbelt with just a dagger and Shureken After proccessing her face it was Rigel

"Hey rigel" I said

"Ruth Yay! you're here!!"She answered

I then see someone at her back he had Fair skin , short black hair, brown eyes ,he looks japanese he wore A engineer amulet , Engineer goggles,And toolbelt and i knew it was kenji

then another one Comes He had white skin ,short black hair , Chinese brown eyes He wore A Wizard Amulet , a belt that had a wand and a book strapt to it And I knew it was mark

"i didnt know mark and kenji would be here" i told Rigel

"oh there gonna help me too" said rigel

I went inside the door and said hi to kenji and Mark Well..They just kind of waved Like they were in a hurry

anyways Rigel lead me to this secret room it was like a small gym The windows were open And the place was very breezy In the center there lies a Engine Sort of a Robot Maybe rigel was trying to make a robot Buy why did she invite me? Im not an engineer I was bad in parts she should have invited Keeshan

I approached the robot And examined it

"Amazing Right?" I didnt notice rigel was at my back "I made it by myself But its not working yet so I need you to do is to add some screws and Gears so it wont collapse just screw in the engine And you're done I cant do it because i think the parts have been only allowed by the held of a ranger so i cant hold it So ill just bring the tools "

So i went to work

~Time skipped~

After Placing everything it was finally done I was so tired

suddenly Rigel approaches me with a smile

"Woah You're good i should invite you more often"

"Thanks rigel im Starving Did you prepare the snack" I asked

"Yep" she answered then she pointed at a container that had sandwiches And cookies beside it there was a glass of juice I Quickly Ran and Went to drink the juice i gulped it all in 4 seconds Suddenly I wanted To go to the bathroom

"Rigel! wheres the bathroom?" i shouted

She pointed at a door In the corner I First grabbed a cookie Then ran to the door

I forgot about my phone so i called keeshan incase she was worried

*Ring ring*

"Hello Ruth! you ok anything happend ?"her voice was so worried

"Nothing happened chillax keesh"

i Took a bite Of my cookie

then opened the door





i was Frozen My eyes Were Shock

I couldnt believe it.The bodies the blood The horror

"Ruth you still there Bro?"

"Keeshan i think i know the murderer"

"Who!?!?!" she screamed

when I was About to tell My eyes suddenly Felt heavy i looked at the cookie i ate And i saw a Liquid That was blue and i knew it was A sleeping liquid Drug...

"Oh no..." then i collapsed

That last thing I heard Was Keeshan screaming in the call and A evil laugh that i think was Rigel






Dun dun dun dunn... Excited to continue It Plus I just wanted To say 50+ reads Doods :D im just so happy right now

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Ccakez Peace out doods :)

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