New Beginnings...

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"Why do I have to do this again" I sighed looking back at the dating profile I'd just made.
"I already told you Ambear you gatta get out there and find someone."
My friend Sabrini some how convinced me to join a dating site. My dating luck was bad to say the least.
Gered, Ben, Tom, Jeremy...too many to name and none have really lasted more than a couple months.
Guys just didn't want to commit and I didn't know how a dating site would change anything.
"Ding", the computer went off.
"Ahhh look Ambear your first request, click on it!"
"Okay okay hold on", I hurried over to the notification box and up popped a picture.
His name was Bucky and he was from Brooklyn. Saying he was handsome was an understatement. He was built like a brick house ohmylord. I didnt even know people like that existed.
"Damn...he to him!" Sabrini exclaimed.
"Umm what do I say"
"I dunno just say hey"
I wrote to him and to my surprise he answered right away.
"He wants to meet with me"
"Do it!!"
Sabrini seemed more excited about this then I did but I was curious. I told him to meet me at the Hombros Grandes restaurant near central park.
"He said he'll meet me there tomorrow at 8"
"Its going to be great I already know its meant to be" Sabrini gushed.
I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
Maybe this time will be different...

The First Date| Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now