Wow this is weird

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" who's ink who's paint " someone said behind you
You turned and saw someone that had paint all over her
" well guess what I'm paint." The girl said
" paint!!! How was it how was it?!?!" Blueberry asked
" how was what" paint asked giggling
" how was your battle with error " red asked
" oh.... Well I lost both my arms and my left leg then I got threw to her were friends now" paint smiled as she talked
"Wait!!! How do you have your arms right now?!?" You asked
" magic" she waved her hands in the air then laughed pulling out a small broken paint brush flipping it a little
" this little guy right here it saved my life" paint said
" where's ink, paint?" Blueberry asked
" still with his error I should check on him..." Paint said
" no need to paint " paint jumped as she heard the voice behind her
"I-I-in-ink?" Paint asked a little fidgeting
"Turn around and you'll find out " the voice said
Which startled her

Authors note
Tune in next time
To find out what will happen next
For now baiii

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