chapter 1

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The year is 2094 I'm just guy who lived a normal life until that war broke was just a normal day, I'm Sean I have a wife and a son and wife Named Mary my son's name is Sean jr. The day was hectic I had woken up ,I get my breakfast take a shower and get dressed "good morning honey " I said. Then I hear an explosion from outside *boom!* , baby Sean starts crying "what the hell is going on?!,my wife yells.she grabs Sean and we run outside to get some where safe. I hear someone say "go this way!" Me and my wife and Sean go we follow a few soldiers who knew this would happen and we're prepared. They tell us that they have a war shelter that is big enough for the whole neighborhood to stay until the war ends

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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