The Arrowed Heart

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You think this 👉 "💘" is the happiest heart?
Lol. Nah. You don't know the real story behind that arrowed heart.
But because I'm bored, em gonna tell ya.

Back at the beginning that heart was just a normal and a contented heart. Like this 👉 "💟" one.
But then the owner of the heart met someone, and that someone became "the special someone" of the owner of the heart. And because the owner was so attached to that someone, later by later the owner became so in love that the owner didn't even noticed that an arrow was already pierced through the owner's heart. But he didn't mind it at all. Cause in that time all the owner can ever think is that maybe the arrow was just some kind of representation of the the owner's special someone. But then, the owner thought wrong.
The arrow. Just like a gun, the trigger is the only key to blow up the gun and end someone's life with just a little pull.
But in our story, the arrow was the trigger.
But nope, it won't end anyone's life.
lol just the owner's. 😂🔪

You see, the world isn't a fairytale and was never and of course WILL NEVER be composed of our own imaginary "happy endings".
And just like in our story, everything must come to an end. Specially those times when the owner was still so happy with "special someone".
Cause the special someone left. And so did the arrow.
You see when you pierce something, the thing you pierced won't be really that affected at first. Not until you take away the thing you used to pierced it. You understand that you just pierced something that was originally and was perfectly okay and whole.
But if you pierce it, (which you just did) it'll gonna have some hole in it causing the thing to break in half or worse, be crushed.

Lol. Then there, that's how our story ended. I'll just gonna go and let you realize what really happened to that heart. But I'm still gonna tell you this, once a heart was pierced by an arrow please understand that that heart will never be the happiest again, because when the arrow pierced the heart in the first place, the heart was already in danger. 😊🔪

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