2 - Cheater, Cheater

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I rolled over, groaning holding my thumping head. My head felt like a headache x5 and my eyes burned with soreness. A hangover was the body's natural way of saying, "Fuck you bitch," and I felt its wrath. I pulled the satin sheets over my head, cursing myself for having so much to drink. I tried to open my eyes, even the light shining through the pale yellow sheets was too bright. I figured, they say sleep is the best medicine so I burrowed myself more into the comforter and pillows and on the rim of sleep when I remembered, my sheets weren't pale yellow satin, they were dark blue and wool.

I sat up, the blood rushing to and from my head making me dizzy, the sheets falling on my nude lap. I was naked, what all did I do last night? Who's bed was I in? I stood up, wrapping the sheet around my body. This wasn't Joshua's room, or any of his parent's bedrooms.

I creaked open the door, peeking through the crack. There was plastic cups littered around the floors, the place was a dump. Wrapping the sheet around me tighter, I gathered the courage to step out from the room and walk along the long hallways. The rooms were huge, the house I was in was huge. I didn't recognize it from anywhere, and decided to return to the room I woke up in figuring my clothes would have to be in there.

I shut the door after I entered the room and shuffled through the sheets for at least my undergarments. I didn't want to think of what I did for them to be gone in the first place. I was bent over, looking under the bed when I heard the door shut loudly.

"Looking for something?" A man's voice said. I jumped, bunking my head on the bed and nearly falling over. I quickly tugged the sheet making sure it covered my bottom. I looked up at the man leaning against the door eye wide. "Look other there." He smirked nodding his head towards the corner of the room behind a dresser. Sheepishly I stood up walking over to where he nodded and sure enough was a heap of my clothing.

"Can I have some privacy?" I spat, like he expected me to dress in front of him.

"Why? I saw everything last night." He smiled and I gasped. I couldn't have.

"Go!" I urged and he threw up his arms in surrender leaving the room. I quickly got dressed and threw the sheet on the bed. "What did I do last night?" I asked through the door, hoping I didn't sleep with him.

"You like being tied up, feeling helpless makes you so-" I opened the door quickly, the dark eyed boy smirked at me. "Yeah we did." He answered more simply.


"Need some aspirin or ibuprofen?" He asked in a softer tone. "You drank a lot last night."

I shook my head, resting my forehead in my palm. "That'd be nice."

"Follow me." He smiled, walking down the hallway. I followed after him, and he took me to the kitchen where he handed me a pill from the aspirin bottle along with a glass of water.

"Thanks," I whispered after I swallowed the pill. I remembered slowly why I went to the party at this large house, I wanted to forget.

"You have a boyfriend don't you?"

"I do," I smiled weakly at him and he frowned looking town at the white tiles on the floor. "Did anyways. I think we broke it off a couple weeks ago, I'm slowly remembering stuff."

He nodded. "Do you remember what we did?" I shook my head.

"Was it some kind of game?" I remembered vaguely. He nodded.

"Spin the bottle. You made quite a dare, the way you were so eager to-" he stopped chewing on his lip. "I'm sorry, if it means anything. I didn't mean to take advantage of you if that's what happened. You didn't fight me at all over you, you were actually pulling my hand."

"I know," I whisper. I didn't know, but it sounds like me. Even though I shouldn't believe what he says, I do.

"Do you uhm, want me to drink you home? Your still out of it, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Get in a stranger's car?" I smile, my mood lighting up. "How dangerous."

"Just trying to be a good noodle." He laughs. "Really though, you got anywhere you need to be on a sunny Sunday like this? Church? Grandma's house for cookies?"

I smile, "My house is a couple blocks away I think, a drive would be nice." My smile fades when I picture a pissed off Joshua waiting for me on the couch. "He might be home though,"

"I'll wait you to the door, if he's there you can just hop back in my car and help me clean up here."

I look around at the large house, although it was trashed from the party you could still see the underlaying shine of the place. "This is your house?" I say in pure awe. He gives a nod and pulls a set of car keys from his jean pocket.

"Let's go."


The ride was slow, we didn't talk. I wasn't very upset about it either. I couldn't take my mind off of Joshua.

I waited until Joshua stepped out from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What is this?" I scream holding up this phone, showing him the text messages I found on his phone.

"Scarlett let me explain," He pauses, his voice shook a bit genuinely surprised. Of course he didn't think twice when he left his phone unlocked to charge while he took a shower, he never wouldn't thought I would take the chance to see who he was always calling late at night, going to see at late hours. I said he has my trust, but trust only exceeds so far.

"Explain? Explain what Joshua? You're cheating on me!" I yelled in defense, my voice quivering and my head spinning. How could the man I trust and love for three years who promised me so much, do this? "Who the fuck is she?"

"Baby it's not-"

"Who?!" He stares at me blankly, speechless. His silence only made worse. I at least deserved answers.

"It's Anne."

"Hey, we're here." The dark eyed boy smiles breaking me from my thought. I was thankful, I didn't want to remember. I exited the car and grabbed the spare key I kept under a rock on the porch. I was just about to unlock the door when the door swung open.

"Scarlett!" Joshua smiled, hugging me tightly. "I haven't seen you in like three-" I pushed him off, taking a few steps back.

"Don't you touch me." I glare, clenching my jaw.

"Baby please, let's talk about this." He tries to reason, looking past me at the boy in the car waiting.

"There is nothing to talk about!" I yell, pushing past him running upstairs to my closet. I grabbed whatever I could carry, I couldn't stay here.

"I'm sorry okay? I messed up," Joshua follows behind me, standing in the doorway.

I drape the clothes, still on their hangers over my arm pushing my way past him back down the stairs. "Yeah, you did."

"Please," he begs grabbing my forearm stopping me as I was in the doorway of the front door.

"There is nothing to talk about! You're screwing my sister behind my back!" I scream, tears bubbling in my eyes. I pull my arm back, stomping down the stairs on the pouch to the car leaving, Joshua standing alone on the porch.


• Just to fix any confusion, Anne is her sister. •

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