Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.
77 shows, 4 countries, one band, I give you, Not Another Boy Band!
That was the beginning-of the end. We might need to go back to the beginning's beginning to tell the whole story.
A few months earlier...
Chase's POV
I was talking to Adam about homework when he brought up something pretty random, even for him.
"Hey, remember when we started a band with Marcus?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, sure. Now Adam, this assignment is worth twenty five percent of our grade and we need to focus," I said, getting irritated and trying to shut down the conversation.
I had just started working again when Adam interrupted my silence- also again.
"Don't you miss being in a band? I mean obviously you don't miss Marcus 'cause he tried to turn you into sausage, but I miss being in a band," Adam said.
"Adam, we really need to work on this or we'll both get F's," I said, starting to get angry.
"Answer me and then I'll let you go back to being a nerd," Adam said.
"Fine, I do miss it a little bit, now let me work on my school," I said, trying to calm down. I half-expected my commando app to activate if I got any angrier.
Then Adam shot his heat vision at my homework and burned it to cinders.
"Adam! Now I'm gonna fail!" I exclaimed trying to salvage it, thankfully not going 'Spike-mode'.
It was too charred to be saved, so now my homework was a pile of ash.
"What is so important that you had to ruin my homework?" I demanded, glaring at my brother.
"I have been trying to talk to you and you think your homework is more important then your brother," Adam said, glaring at me.
"You're right, I'm sorry, what were you trying to tell me?" I asked.
"I was asking you if you had missed the idea of being in a band," Adam said.
Wow, my brother didn't say something totally stupid!
"I'll admit, I do miss it," I told him.
"I knew it," Adam said, getting up.
"Where are you going?" I asked, slightly confused.
"To get my drum set, I'll get your guitar too," Adam replied.
"I'll get it, you aren't exactly careful with my things. Especially me," I said. I was calming down and I decided that I'll just tell my teacher that I was making myself some soup and I was working on my homework at the same time and it got lit on fire.
A few minutes later Adam came up with his drum set and I brought my guitar down. I decided to tune it since I hadn't used it in almost two years.
I had tuned it a few minutes later and soon Adam and I were playing like experts. It was like we were in a real band!
Leo suddenly ran down the stairs, looking at us excitedly.
"Are we getting the band back together? I'll get my cowbell," he said.
"Leo, we aren't getting the band back together." I said putting my guitar down.
"Why not? We can have a reunion." Leo argued.
"Because one of our band members is under a pile of rubble." I snapped back.
Right then, we heard a noise coming from the lab. It sounded like a... bass?
"What's that?" I asked no one in particular.
Without replying, Leo and Adam went to the elevator, and I followed. We went down to the lab to see what it was.
The elevator doors opened to reveal Bree playing the bass like a expert. Our sister Bree.
She just finished and Adam started clapping. She whipped around.
"What are you guys doing down here?" Bree demanded.
"We heard you from upstairs. Where did you learn to play like that?" I asked.
Bree shrugged. "A week after you guys got your band, I decided to pick up bass, I had been keeping it a secret because I was afraid of you guys taking advantage of me," she explained.
"When have we done that before?" Adam asked, looking mildly offended.
"Well, I remember being Leo's trolley and you two always take advantage of my bionics on missions." Bree fired back.
"Well, we wanted to know if you wanted to be in our band," Leo told her.
"I thought I told you guys that I wasn't doing this." I said.
"She our answer to the Marcus problem. Yeah, she can't be second guitar, but bass is almost better!" Leo said.
Bree thought about it for a second, then grinned. "I'm in," she said.
"I'm still not doing it," I told them, frowning.
"Come on Chase," Adam said.
"Yeah, please? We need you." Bree added.
I had never heard her say those words before.
"Fine," I said.
"Who can sing?" Leo asked.
"I can!" Bree happily exclaimed.
"I'm ok at singing," I said. Singing was like my embarrassing secret.
"Let's hear it," Leo suggested.
I started singing a song I had heard on the radio, I didn't know what it was called but I had recorded it on my digital computer, part of having super intelligence-my brain is like a huge computer.
Once I was done Adam, Bree and Leo just starred at me with their mouths wide open.
"I know, I don't think I'm that good," I said.
"Chase, that was one of the most amazing things I have ever heard. Better then Nick Jonas, though not better then Justin Bieber, but then again no one is better then Justin Bieber." Bree told me.
I smiled, for once my sister liked something I did.
"You are definitely singing in the band," Leo said.
"I agree with Leo, you clearly have talent," Adam agreed.
"Okay, I'll do it," I said.
"Now what song should we do?" Leo asked.
"Leo, you're not in the band," Adam said.
"What why?" Leo demanded, face falling.
"Uh, because we want you to be our manager." I said, thinking quickly.
He perked up immediately. "Sweet!" Leo exclaimed.
"And you can even be a guest singer for our band," Bree said. "I know you can sing."
"You guys are awesome!" Leo exclaimed. "I'm gonna get the video camera!" He ran towards the elevator.
"Bree, bring your bass and come on," I said.
Bree quickly put it in her case and super sped into the elevator to catch up with us.
As soon as we came out, Bree helped us decide what song we should do.
"I think we should do Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon," Bree suggested, and we all agreed. It was a popular song on the radio, right?
I easily picked it out on my guitar and Bree picked it out with a little more trouble but got it. Adam got the drum part down easily.
"Ok, camera in three, two, action!" Leo called after we all got set up.
"I'm Adam," Adam said, grinning into the camera.
"I'm Bree," Bree announced, doing the same.
"And I'm Chase," I said, finishing of the introduction.
Bree started out with a complicated bass intro and I joined her on guitar, Adam started drumming.
"Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, I said you're holding back, she said, shut up and dance with me!"
Bree and I started singing together, and I had to feel excited-we had a band!

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