Chapter 1

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You were walking through the Sakura trees, the scent of their blossoms filling your nose. It was an odor you would certainly miss. To begin, you are (Y/N) (L/N). You have one brother and one sister: Sakura and Toshio. Your mother and father died in a tragic car accident when you were young, so your grandmother took you and your siblings in.

You are now 17 years old and you just given some news that made your world fall apart. You see, your grandmother told you that you would have to go in England for a reason still unknown to you. She only said that it was important.

Remembering this memory made you sigh. You didn't want to leave Japan but you had no choice. If your grandmother said it was important, then you had to do it. You didn't want to feel her wrath once again. Last time you disobeyed your grandmother, she sent you to the hospital for two weeks. Walking to a huge Sakura tree, you sat down and pressed your back to it.

"What is so important? Grandmother told me to meet a certain lord named Ciel Phantomhive..."

You pulled your knees to your chest, holding your head low. Sighing one more time, you felt something pulling your (H/C) hair. You looked up to see Jiang (Author's note: Jiang mean ''river'' in Chinese), your red panda. He was, in some way, your pet at home. You found him, one night, in the forest. He was injured and would have died if you hadn't rescued him at that moment. You giggled, holding your hands up to him. He purred and moved onto your lap. He snuggled up to you and closed his eyes, sleeping soundly. You smiled at the sight.

It was a miracle that grandmother let you take Jiang with you, or else you would certainly have died. He was too cute to abandon him and leave him alone with the terrible granny, who wanted nothing more than to chop off his head each time she found him in her bed, shedding some of his fur on it. You finally stood up, putting Jiang in your arms, returning home to prepare your things. You will soon be leaving Japan for England.

After you finished packing your things, you turned around to meet the smile of your grandmother. She came to you and pulled you into a big hug, a little breathless because of how strong she was. Grandmother may be old, but she still know how to kick butts!

"Go now, (Y/N)...I don't want you to be late!"
"Yeah, you muttered softly."
"Take care of yourself..."
"You too, grandma..."

Then, she took you by the ear, pinching it a little to hard. You let out a little yell.

"Don't forget to behave like a proper lady. Don't talk to strangers, and don't you dare have babies before getting married, and I want to see him to approve!" She said with a scowl, wrinkles showing on her forehead.
"Aye!! Grandma!"
" Stand with your back straight, young lady!

Finally, leaving your home, you were now on your way to England, without knowing the destiny that awaits you...

Descending from the boat, you had some difficulty walking due to how crowded it was. Seriously, how many people were on this boat where you were a second ago?! You avoided the mass of people and quickly moved to the port. You let out a sigh of relief when you were sure that you were safe. You started to walk through the streets of London, Jiang on your shoulder, observing this new place. You could feel that he was tense. You pet him on his back and he calmed down a little.

That's when you saw a market. You were a little hungry, and so was Jiang. Stopping in front of a merchant, you took the money that your grandmother gave in your pocket. When you looked up, you let out a gasp. Where was Jiang?! You stared to your left and right, trying to locate him. When you found him, he was on the rooftop of the market, trying to steal an apple from its bucket. You gasped and waved your arms up and down.

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