Chapter 16

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You rushed to the dead men, avoiding all their attacks with insane speed. Lifting your sword above your head, you pierced three dead men's chest at the same time before removing it, cutting them in half. You rushed to five others, jumping high in the air before cracking their skulls with your feet. Ciel and Lizzie stared at you, amazed and terrified at the same time. Sebastian, was quite turned on. Seeing your red eyes holding fury and darkness in them, your way of cutting your enemies and killing them, all of this reminded him of himself. Forgetting about Grell for a moment, he avoided the chainsaw, leaning on a wall to regain his balance.

You avoided another attack of a dead man, punching him in the face, causing him to fall on his back. You quickly stabbed the sword into his skull, blood splattering on the walls. After a moment, you stopped, panting softly. You turned around and your red eyes fell on Sebastian and Grell. You were about to help him when you saw the chainsaw breaking one window of the ship, causing water to flood everywhere. You were pushed on the ground by the wave and you coughed some water. You looked up to see Elizabeth far away from you, dead men approaching her. Ciel tried to kill the dead men with his pistol but failed. You tried to get on your feet but you were too exhausted.

"LIZZIE!" you screamed.

At the last moment, she pulled out a rapier, piercing a dead man's head. You stared at her with bewilderment. She could do this?! Though, you shouldn't be surprised, wasn't she the Marchioness' daughter after all? She took care of the other dead men while you leaned on a wall, trying to catch your breath. You looked back at Lizzie and saw that she was about to kill Grell but Sebastian stopped her.

"My lady. No further" he said.


"To have forced a lady to go through so much trouble...I have failed as a butler. I am deeply sorry" he bowed in apology. "I'll take it from here..."

"I guess my entrance was ruined, well whatever. Let's continue" said Grell.

"Wait! Sebastian! We have no time to worry about those guys! Ryan holds the key to everything in this case. Follow him!" Ciel ordered.

"What? Wait a sec, you. You mean that if we put the screws on that guy, we can learn about these walking corpses?" Grell asked.

"Senpai, look."

"Hm? I see. Indeed, we have no time to waste" Grell muttered. "It's too bad but we'll have to leave it at this for now, Sebas-chan...I'll wrap you in the red of roses next time for sure, bye~"

Ronald and Grell disappeared into thin air. You sighed before you made your way toward Ciel. Unfortunately, his leg was swollen., so he couldn't move.

"Oh no! I'll carry you on my back!'


"Lady Elizabeth, I'll take care of that" Sebastian smiled.

"Ah! That's right. Yes. Oh, no, I...I" she started to blush furiously, then began crying. "I'M THE KIND OF SCARY GIRLS CIEL HATES!!!'

"What?! What do you mean by that?!"

"BUT BEFORE YOU SAID YOU DON'T WANT A STRONG WIFE, DIDN'T YOU!" she cried harder and you deadpanned. "Really?"

"Th..that was in the past. And anyway, I should be the one apologizing right now" Ciel said softly.

"Then, you will take me as your wife? You won't hate me?"

"I could never..."

Ciel stopped and started to blush furiously.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! LET'S GO UPSTAIRS ALREADY!" he cried, still blushing and Sebastian muffled his laugh.

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