DAYU the kitten

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  Wang qi curious when his PA quickly drag him to his car after he finish his photo shoot. After have intensif game with dayu yesterday night (playing video game ok)then he have to woke up early morning to go photoshoot. He too sleepy to questioned his PA.He continues leaning his body on car seat and falling asleep. His PA driving faster toward his bungalow.
As soon they arrived his PA wake him up.He whipping his eyes." I have interview with reporter, why u bring me home". He questioned his PA.His PA just silence and help bring him bag out from the car.He enter the house and surprised when he notice dayu manager was there.His raise his eyebrow.Dayu manager pointing him to go upstair.He begin to worries. He rushing go to his master bedroom. Dayu manager waiting downstair.
As soon he enter the room he surprise looking dayu forehead been plaster.He family doctor also there.He approaching dayu and stand beside the doctor. He look confuse. He look at dayu,dayu look confusing.Dayu eyes keep staring him. "What happen?" "Wangqi asked the doctor.
"Be calm Mr qi, actually dayu, he fall down the stairs, his head loud banging to floor but his other body not injured."But.."the doctor stop talking for awhile. Wangqi curious waiting the doctor finish his sentence.
"Dayu has anemia meaning his lost his memories.
"What?"Wangqi shock.
"Miau... Miau.". Dayu assent .
Wangqi turning to dayu and frowned his forehead.He face look confuse. Then his turning back to doctor. The doctor explain, now Dayu think he is kitten.He act like a kitten since he aware from collapse. Doctor order him to wait 2 or 3 day for more examination.Wangqi nodded. Then the doctor excuse himself.Wangqi accompany the doctor to front door.Dayu manager said she will manage about dayu schedule.Then dayu manager leave.Wangqi call his manager and tell she about dayu condition.He request a leave to take care dayu.His manager allowed.
Then he go back upstairs. He approaching dayu.He hand touch dayu forehead."pain" he asked. Dayu nodded. Wangqi caress dayu head".Hungry"dayu make pity face.His pouting his mouth.He rub his stomach.
"What do u want to eat."Wangqi asked gently.
" Fish, big fish."dayu answer.
"Ok, come."Wangqi hold dayu hand and bring him downstairs. He go to kichen to check the menu.Coincident their menu today is fish.Then he bring dayu to dining table.Dayu look excited when he look fish.He act as a good kitten. He sit properly.He big eyes around staring the fish dish.Wangqi put a dish fish on Dayu bowl.Dayu just staring the bowl.Wangqi noticed then he feed Dayu. Dayu eat tasteful.
After eating  they both watching tv.Wangqi leaning on the couch.Dayu leaning on wangqi thigh.His finger circle wangqi thigh.They both asleep.
In the evening dayu wake up wangqi to play with him.He drag wangqi to back yard and force him to play ball with him.Like a kitten dayu happy playing with the ball.Wangqi throw the ball and dayu happyly chasing ball .Sometimes he run,sometimes he jump, sometimes he roll over.He so cute😍😍. When he tired he recline his body on the grass.Wangqi recline beside dayu.
"Tired"Wangqi asked.
Dayu nodded and brushing up to rub his body to wang qi. Wangqi caress his head.Dayu a kitten is really cute,alive and seductively.Even though wangqi very tired, Wangqi patiently treat temperament dayu.
After playing time,Wangqi bring dayu to take a bath.Dayu look scare and try to run.Wangqi grab dayu waist and persuade him to bath.Wangqi enter the bathtube first, then he extend his hand to dayu.Dayu slowy hold wangqi hand and enter the bathtube .He sitting  between Wangqi thigh. His back infront wangqi.Wangqi gently  wet and shampoo dayu hair. Then he gently scrub dayu body, back and infront. Dayu moaning,he look comfortable.Looking dayu start comfortable,wangqi continues caress dayu b**t. Then he hand caress dayu thigh.Dayu look stim.Then he stop."Oh my good".wangqi smirking when he realize he also stim".Dayu back body keep brushing wangqi infront body especially  he'ehem'.wanqgi little brother get excited.It cannot be,this not my dayu,this is dayu a kitten".his heart murmuring.He control himself.He quickly finish their bathing and wearing pyjama.Then they have dinner,while dinner wang qi feed dayu.After watching tv a while, dayu yawning.Wangqi off the tv and ask him to go bedroom. Dayu shake his head. He want back ride."ok, come"wangqi down his shoulder. Dayu hold wangqi body tightly and put his chin under wangqi shoulder.Wangqi face red when dayu rubbing and playful bite Wangqi ear.He body trembling.
As soon they enter their bedroom wangqi gently put dayu on bed.Then dayu stand and take off his pant.
"Why dayu "wangqi asked.
Maou... Maou... Dayu correctly his name

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