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It was the sound of a shovel scrapping across the ground. My eyes travel from Damien to the hole he was digging. He had been at it for the past two hours. The night pressed in around us with only the moon to illuminate the man standing in the five foot hole. His pace had not slowed since he started. I sat on the ground, my back resting against a tree. Thirty minutes into it Damien had removed his shirt. I couldn’t help but watch as sweat trickle down his chest. His muscles in his arms and chest flexes each time the shovel digs into the soft soil. He flings the sweat from his brow and smile up at me.

                “Wouldn’t you say,” he starts, “this is a really nice first date.” Damien climbs out and walks over to where I’m sitting and flops down beside me.

                “It would be if it was a date but since it’s not, don’t you think you should finish what you’re doing,” I ask. He looks over at me, struggling to see my face in the limited light available to us.

                “Why do you have to make things so difficult? Can’t you just agree? Besides I’m done, we just need to get him,” he points to the body of the detective, “in the hole.” I glance over at the body he points to. It lays there, eyes open, watching us. His death had left me empty and wanting more.

                We sit there just like that. The wind whips around us, tearing an involuntary shudder from my body. Damien places his arm around me and brings me closer to him. It feels so right to sit there with him like that. It’s peaceful even with the corpse starring at us a few feet away.

                “So,” he says, “What would you have done if I hadn’t been there to help?”

 I laugh at his words. I didn’t need his help and I never would. I had it all planned out. The detective wasn’t my first and he wouldn’t be my last. I wanted his body to be found. It would serve as a warning of things to come to that partner of his. Damien’s actions were just hindering me. It would have been better if he had just stayed hidden, watching me from the shadows.Now,  I would have to think of something else.

“Well. What have you done?”

“Killed them too,” I say. He raises an eyebrow at me.

“That’s why I like you but why go so far for him. I don’t think he would kill for you like this.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn’t matter.” I didn’t care if Zeke would or wouldn’t kill to keep me. This went way beyond that. I couldn’t allow them to blame my honey for something that he didn’t do. My honey didn’t deserve to be treated the way he was by them and for that he had to die. I stand and wipe the dirt from my pants. “Are you going to help get him in the hole,” I ask Damien.

“I dug the hole, you can bury him,” he laughs. He places his hands behind his head and watches me. I glance at the hole then the body. There’s no way I could move him without help. I shrug and begin walking away from the body. “Where are you going,” he asks. Damien is behind me. His arm snakes out and wraps itself around me. “You’re not leaving are you?”

“I don’t really care if his body is found or not. It’ll actually work for me if it is.” Damien pulls me back until I rest against his chest. His laughter vibrates along my spine.

“You’re a strange one, Paisley. Most people don’t want their victims to be found.” It’s strange how it feels so nice to be this close to him. His warmth washes over me and I feel safe. I push away from him and turn to face him.

“Let’s put the body and in the hole and go.”

“Impatient are we.” He sighs and walks away from me. I follow behind him. “Ready,” he asks, bending down. He grabs the arms of the detective. I lean down and struggle to lift the chubby legs. “On three.” I nod signaling that I’m ready. “One…Two…Three.” We raise the body a few inches from the ground and toss the body into its final resting place. I collapse to the ground, my chest heaving from exerting so much energy in lifting the body. I lie down on the cool dirt and try to slow my breathing. I can hear Damien shoveling the dirt on top of the body. He grunts with each shovel of dirt he flings.

“We have to this again minus the dead body,” he calls back to me. “Do you see now, that we belong together? Who else would help you with this?” I want to point out that I didn’t need his help but as the breeze caressed my sweaty body, the words are stolen from my mouth.



                It was beginning to sprinkle as Damien and I walk towards my house.

                “Are you going to give me a chance,” he asks.

                “No,” I laugh. He frowns down at me. “Think of this as the last time we’ll do something together.” It’s hard for me to say the words. I don't want it to be the last time. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be then in surrounded by Damien’s warmth. The admission stops me cold. It’s strange for me to even think those words. I feel guilty. I shouldn’t want to be with him. Damien has been nothing but a problem for me since he arrived and yet it feels nice when he touches me. I shake my head at the thoughts. My honey should be the only one to make me feel this way. I look up at Damien and see him smirking.

                “I won’t give up on you so easy. I can offer you more than he can.” He walks over to me and once again I find myself within his embrace. “Zeke can’t protect you like I can. Remember that.” He touches the side of my face, caressing it with his callused fingers. He lifts my chin. “Be with me, Paisley.” Damien bends down and kisses my cheek. “I’m willing to do anything to be with you, even if that means killing.” He places another kiss on the corner of my mouth. “What do you say?”

                I push away from him and take a few steps back. “You do know,” I start, “that if you were to ever hurt Zeke, I’d kill you right.” I smile. I can hear his laughter as I walk up the steps to my house.

Her Dark Desire (In the Process of Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now