CHAPTER 1-Memory

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Here I am again the place that we been together... oh such good memory the place that wher our love begin..

Hera I am in my house waiting to my beloved boyfriend...its our 3TH Anniversary and yesterday he called me that he woll give me a surprise that I will never forget for my entire life.. oh I am so luck to have him and his to luck to have me to because I am every guys dream oh well....opps..i almost forgot I haven't introduced myself, I am MARY SOFIA LIM, 14 yrs.old live in subdivision rilway in UK,i have 4 brothers and I am only one girl they have :-)enough introduces of myself now back to our story
well we are celebrating our 3TH year anniversary and I am waiting for my beloved boyfriend JOHN LUCAS VINABUENTURA but I call him JL for short..ha I miss him so much...where is he by the way,iam supposed to wait here in our waiting spot but where is he hmm I am so mad,wait till he see that I will never speak to him again....

I watch my wrist clock and its almost 2 in the afternoon

MARY:what its almost the afternoon..where is he by the way i'm supposed to meet himm here..ha,when he comes I will beat him to gulp(nagring ang cellphone ni MARY)yes,hellow who is this

CATHLEEN:hellow iha(maiyak-iyak)
MARY:tita is this you[but why is tita crying]whats wrong
CATHLEEN:nothing iha
MARY:If your asking where is JL then he is not here...i am so worried about him,i been waiting here more about 5 hours and he doesn't show you know what day is today its our 3th yr.Anniversary and this is the first time he doesn't show up,im so angry about him tita did he forgot that its our Anniversary...wait I think its not..
CATHLEEN:what do you mean (sad voice)
MARY:well he did call me that he will give me surprise(umiiyak kunte)..wait maybe he want to broke-up with me,thats why he doesn't show up...i can't, I love him so much, I cannot lose him and if he find someone I will fight my love for him thats why...(wala natapos ang sasabihin kasi umiiyak na c Cathleen)tita what's wrong,why are you crying
CATHLEEN:iha pls. don't be shock of what im supposed to tell you
MARY:what is it tita,tell me I can handle everything.please,is it about JL that he doesn't show up
MARY:Ah ha [Please I hope its good news I hope his okey,please take care of him im begging you GOD please take care of him]what about him tita
CATHLEEN:the reason why my son doesn't show up it is because. He got
in a car accidents and his life is in critical conditions...what I mean is his dead
MARY:ha no no no no please is it a joke, if it is, it isn't funny it is our 3th Anniversary and this is his surprise that his gone,he will leave me forever I cannot accept,where is he now(umiiyak)
CATHLEEN:we are now in the airport
MARY:what(shock,sumigaw)why,your leaving,in this critical conditions,what kind of a mother are you,you're leaving your son behinde and its the day when he die,i cannot believe you
CATHLEEN:i know...just listen will you,my son funeral will be in MACAO so that's why we are here in the airport, we are leaving
MARY:ah ha ha ha...such cruel world,you are leaving and you did not wait me to see if he is died so you are telling me that you are leaving how should I believe you,i know from the very start that you did not agree to our relationship bcoz you don't like me so that's why..(wala natapos)
CATHLEEN:Don't you ever speak to me like that kind of did not see it,if you did not believe me I will send to you the picture


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