Rules, Regulations and Terms

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Below are the rules, regulations and terms for the contest:

1. Script must be in the format of a speech. Article format is not allowed.

2. Open to all countries and ages.

3. Each Wattpad users can only submit a maximum amount of 2 submissions.

4. Participants should only choose topics from the topic list. 

5.DO NOT EVER include sex or politics.

6. Insults are not allowed.

7. Script(s) must your own work(s).

8.  Please use this tag on your scripts #FunReadingPublicWriting

9. Script must be submit using the tag #FunReadingPublicWriting before 31st of October. (Malaysia Time Zone)

10. Script must not be submitted into any other contests. 

11. Judges' decisions are final.

12. For every submission please include your city, country and topic chosen. 

13. Please leave a link to your speeches at the comment under 'Good Luck Fellow Speakers'.

Fun Reading Contest: Public WritingWhere stories live. Discover now