Chapter 2

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You had known Namjoon and Nari for a week now. Well, maybe 'knowing' was a bit of an understatement as Nari had become rather fond of you over the week. Every time they went to the bakery across your shop Nari had insisted on paying you a visit since you let her help pick the flower arrangement of the day. Which basically entailed which colours and which flowers would be scattered around the petite shop to make it more welcoming, it was in this time that you spent together that you had learned of the small girl's love for anything blue and purple. To be honest, you couldn't even complain that that meant your shop would be painted in this hue of blue or purple every single day, in fact, you deemed it a fitting colour that matched the rest of the interior. As for Namjoon... Well. You had had a bit of a discussion a few days ago. Allow me to sketch out the situation for you. Namjoon came over to pick up Nari, who was fast asleep on your sofa upstairs. So, you had asked Namjoon to tend to your counter while you went to get her just in case anyone came by to pick up the bouquets they had ordered. Why not just let Namjoon get her instead? Well... Let's just say you had had a bit of a wild night as your best friend decided to come over to bawl her eyes out over the nth boyfriend that had left her, which now meant the small space above the shop was littered with empty buckets of ice, cans of everything ranging from fizzy drinks to beer and, to your dismay, petals of flowers that she had used to determine whether the man loved her or not. Little Nari had been fast asleep so you didn't really mind taking her upstairs to rest in the sofa, but letting Namjoon see that mess was a different story.

Anyway, back to what happened. You'd think leaving Namjoon alone in your shop to tend to your counter for what... maybe five minutes, would be just fine. You were wrong. You were very wrong. Letting Namjoon tend to your glass counter had been a terrible idea. As you entered your shop, Nari still sleeping in your arms, you were met with glass shards scattered all over your shop floor and a panicky Namjoon. You were fairly certain you had never heard anyone apologise as often in no more than two minutes. You could only wonder where he had that peculiar talent for destruction from and immediately felt like maybe you should be sorry for the people he inked. But really, pitying said people was the last thing on your mind as you swallowed and sighed deeply at the sight of your destroyed counter. It had taken you months prior to the opening of the shop to be able to save up for it, it was exactly what you wanted in the shop of your dreams... and here it was. Shattered in thousands of pieces. Namjoon had insisted on telling him the price of the counter, wanting nothing more than to pay it back. However, he visibly whitened at the mention of the exact price. You knew it would be too much, especially since he only just opened shop and had already mentioned that it would be difficult to get through the first few months as he had needed to pay a lot more for the materials he needed here to be sent over than he had expected.

However, he insisted on at least building a new one for you. Which of course you were quite worried about considering his... ability. Taking his phone, he rang his friend and co-worker of the tattoo parlour, a man you knew was named Yoongi. He had begged his friend to help him out in the tight situation he was in, and despite the complaining the other had done he arrived soon after. He ordered Namjoon to go get some wood from one of the DIY stores in town as he sketched up an idea for a new counter with your help. In the end you decided to leave it at that for that day and cleaned up the shards before closing the shop. The next day, Namjoon and Yoongi had arrived rather early to start working. Well, Yoongi worked. The older man clearly didn't trust the other with anything that even vaguely resembled a hammer or a saw, saying just standing next to Namjoon already made him fear for his life. You stiffled a laugh as you remembered when Namjoon did try to help, resulting in the shorter male to get so upset he kicked him out of your shop and told him to 'help' in his own shop or he'd personally tattoo the most realistic picture of male genitalia he could imagine to his forehead. You discovered that although he had a foul mouth and his words dripped with sarcasm, Yoongi was actually quite humble and fond of puns that most people would cringe at. All you had to do was supply him with some refreshments from time to time and he would be fine, he had assured you. So you did, and he worked diligently. This week of work had also been the time that you had visited Namjoon and Yoongi's tattoo parlour for the first time. You were always welcomed by the buzzing of the machines as the duo inked their masterpieces on the delicate flesh of their clients. Sometimes, Namjoon asked if you could pick up Nari from school if he was extra busy. Other times, you spent your time at the tattoo parlour by playing with Nari. Yoongi had often asked how you could handle an energetic kid as Nari, telling stories of the many times he had attempted to keep the small girl occupied which usually ended in failure.

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