Myths & Jealousy

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Ken's POV
It's been a year since I've asked my parents to start piano lessons.. and today, is the day that they finally signed me up. I guess because of my dancing lessons and tutor fees, it was a struggle for them to handle all the payment, and I know I may be a little selfish with all of the things that I am asking to start lessons on, but I promised myself, to put all of the effort that I possibly can into every class that I attend.
Ken's mother- Ken, we're leaving the house in 5 minutes!
Ken- Aight mum, I'll be ready after I bless myself with this perfume. *laughs*
Ken's mother- Oh Ken. You're 14, and yet in my mind you're still 4 because of your dry jokes. *laughs*
Ken- HAHAHAHAHAHA! Dry like the clothes on the clothing line, mum. Please bring them in after you drop me off.
Ken's mother- Pfft, don't tell me what to do!
- Ken's mother drops him off at his Highschool-
Ken's mother- Text me 5 minutes before uni ends, so I can drive you to your first piano class.
Ken- Yas Mamma'
Ken's POV
I walked through the corridor, where the stairs to classes are located. As I was walking, this girl in front of me tripped, books and papers fell out of her hand. I knew I was late for class, but I had no heart just to leave her there.
I bent down to help her pick up her belongings, then looked at her.
Girl's POV
I'm late to class, and there goes me, slipping with all of my books and sheets flying away from me. I thought I was going to deal with another undeserved detention, but as I was gathering all of the things I dropped,
a guy bent down and helped me. I looked up, and saw him holding his Music textbook, with the same class as mine, written on it.
Girl- Oh, thank you! Don't you have music right now? Aren't you going to be late?
Ken- Yeah, but I had no heart to just leave a girl pick up her books, without helping'
Girl- Thank you.. You're in my class, too!
Ken- Oh! What a coincidence! What's your name?
Girl- My name is Bailey. What's yours?
Ken- Bailey, huh. Gorgeous name. Just like you'
Bailey- Oh, stop it you. *laughs*
Ken- *gets up after he finishes picking up her books*
I'm heading to class, see you there!
Bailey- Wait! What's your name?
Ken- You'll find out in class, when the teacher takes roll. *smiles*
Bailey's POV
I've never met a guy like him before..
Ahh! I need to get to class, before the teacher deducts marks from my yearly exam, I need an A+! My mum would cancel my first violin lesson today if I don't get an A+... Oh man, I've been waiting a year for this! Arghhhh'
-Bailey rushes into the class before the door shuts-
Teacher- Kenneth San Jose?
Ken- Present!
Teacher- Bailey Sok?
Bailey- *rushes to sit down* Present!
-Teacher continues roll call-
Bailey's POV
Phew, that was close.
That guy that helped me earlier, I think he raised his hand when the teacher called "Kenneth San Jose?"
Hm, I'll listen carefully later to see if he stands up when the teacher calls that name.
-Moments later-
Teacher- So, class. I am going to hand back your yearly exam results in a moment, so please remain quiet.
Bailey's POV
The teacher called out student's names to come collect their results, so I payed deep attention to the name before mine (Kenneth San Jose) to see if he comes up to the desk.
Teacher- Kenneth San Jose!
Ken- *Comes up*
Bailey- Hm, so it is Kenneth San Jose. What a pretty name for such a sweet guy.
Teacher- Bailey Sok!
I came up to the desk, and it was the moment I get to find out if I will inherit the skills of playing the violin. I took my sheet, and walked back to my desk. I turned it over..
Bailey & Ken, at the same time, completely in sync- A+!!!!!
Ken's POV
I started to feel all happy inside, and without any clue why, I looked at Bailey. She was looking at me, with the most beautiful smile I've ever laid my eyes on. What's going on with me? I've never felt this way before.
-Music class finishes-
Ken- Hey Bailey, well that in there was really coincidental, hahaha!
Bailey- Kenneth San Jose. Flattering name.. flattering name. *smiles, and then puts hoodie on* *spins halfway the the opposite direction, and starts walking*
Ken- Bail-
Bailey- See you tomorrow, "KSJ".
Ken's POV
Gosh, she's so.. amazing..
Ken- *texts mum to get picked up and driven to the first piano class*
-Ken's mum arrives, 5 minutes later-
Ken's mum- So, Ken. How was school today?
Ken- Well, I met this girl named Bailey, and she was just so..
Ken's mum- ugly?
Ken- MUM NO!
Ken's mum- Ha, ya see. Only said that to see if you like her. Considering you defended her AGGRESSIVELY, you like her don't you?
Ken- Darnit mum. Fell for one of your traps again.
Ken's mother- Well, I am your mother after all. *laughs* So tell me about this girl, how did you guys become friends so quick today?
Ken- Well this morning when I was walking to class, she dropped her books and papers right front of me. Being the raised Kenneth I am, I wouldn't have let a girl pick up her things without helping, so I helped her.
Ken's mum- Okay, and?
Ken- Well, I guess she took a look at the music textbook I was holding, and it had my class on it, and it turned out to be her class as well'
Ken's mum- Did you guys walk together to class?
Ken- No, because I was running really late and I knew my name was near the top of the roll so I had to run before I got written a detention. After a moment in class, the teacher handed back the test papers.. And being the Kenneth I am AGAIN, I got too uncontrollably happy about my score, and yelled out "A+!! YESSSSS" unintentionally. That was when she and I, both screamed the same thing, completely in sync at the same time, without plan.
Ken's mum- hm. What's this girl's name... Huh?
Ken- Bailey Sok'
Ken's mum: Such a gorgeous name! Is it as gorgeous as her? *smirks*
Ken- Mum, really?
Ken's mum- HAH I knew you were gonna react like that. Anyways, we're here. Go and have your first piano lesson, and remember, DO NOT GET DISTRACTED BY ANYTHING AND FOCUS ON LEARNING OKAY? I'LL PICK YOU UP IN AN HOUR.
Ken- YAs Mumma'
-Ken's mum drives off-
Ken's POV
Okay, here goes the best part of the day!
- Ken walks towards the counter -
I was talking to the receptionist to figure out where my class room was, and suddenly, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around..
Ken- Bailey??
Bailey- "KSJ?"
Ken's POV
Gosh, I love how she doesn't call me by my name, but by the initials of my full name..
Ken- What are you doing here?
Bailey- Oh, I have my first Violin lesson today. I've been begging my parents for a year for this *laughs*
Ken- Oh my god.
Bailey- What?
Ken- I have also been begging my parents for a year, and today, I have my first piano lesson!
Bailey- No way! Another coincidence?!
Ken- Maybe this is a sign we should become friends.
Bailey- Aren't we, already? *laughs*
Ken- *laughs*
Receptionist- Bailey Sok, classroom number 86. Kenneth San Jose, classroom 87.
Bailey- And our classes are next to each other's, too?
Ken- This is crazy. *laughs again*
Bailey- Let's head to class!
- Bailey & Ken head to their classrooms, which are right next to each other -
Ken- Good morning, ms..?
Teacher- Ms Milljose. Pronounced, "mill-ho-zay"
Ken- My last name is Jose! *laughs*
Ms Milljose- Haha, that's nice. Guess we'll be getting along well then?
Ken- Yes, ms.
Ms Milljose- So, Ken. Have you had any previous piano lessons before this? Or any basic note reading technique lessons?
Ken- No, Ms Milljose.
Ms Milljose- Right. What made you start piano lessons? Did your parents force you to, or have you just always had a dream to become a pianist?
Ken- My parents have never forced me into doing anything, and I wanted to start piano lessons a year ago.
Ms Milljose- So, why didn't you..?
Ken- Financial problems. Considering I take dance classes and math tutoring, which have fees at a pretty high rate.
Ms Milljose- Okay, let's begin the basic note reading techniques and which finger is which.
Ken- Yes, Ms.
- Meanwhile at Bailey's Class -
Bailey- Ms..?
Teacher- Ms Milljose 2. Pronounced "Mill-ho-zay"
Bailey- Wait, why number 2?
Ms Milljose 2- Oh, I have a twin sister that's teaching piano to the new boy next door.
Bailey- ohh.
- Bailey and Ms Milljose 2 both go through the questioning process, like Kenneth and his teacher did -
- Back to Ken's class -
Ms Milljose- Ken, are you sure you have never had previous lessons?
Ken- I am certain, Ms.
Ms Milljose- But, for the first lesson, you've literally played through the whole of Turkish March within one try, without practicing beforehand or stuffing up'
Ken- I don't know, when I look at the notes, my brain automatically tells my fingers which notes to play.. Do you have anything harder?
Ms Milljose- I doubt this is possible, but here, try playing flight of the bumblebee.
Ken's POV
As soon as I looked at the sheets of the song "Flight of the bumble bee", my fingers automatically played the song. I didn't even think about a thing while doing that, it just naturally came..'
- Ken plays through the whole of Flight of the Bumble Bee as he is given the sheets -
Ms Milljose- no way. Kenneth, is this some kind of joke? You must have had lessons somewhere before.
Ken- No, Ms Milljose. My parents are not fortunate enough to play a prank like such. These piano lessons are $60 an hour.
Ms Milljose- Excuse me, for a second.
Ms Milljose's POV
There is no way possible, on earth, can this boy have never had any piano lessons or basic note reading technique lessons before. I need to find out what's going on, I'm going to call his mother.
- Ms Milljose calls Ken's mother -
Ken's Mother- Hello? Is this the international music academy of LA calling?
Ms Milljose- Yes, it is. My name is Ms Milljose, and I am the teacher of your son, Kenneth San Jose?
Ken's Mother- Right. What did he do now.?
Ms Milljose- I am just unclear, whether or not your son is playing a prank or not. 20 minutes after I taught him the note reading techniques and finger arranging techniques, he was able to play through the whole of Turkish March, and ridiculously, after that, he requested something harder, which then I gave him sheets to "Flight of the Bumble Bee" in which then he played through once without messing up, again.
Ken's mother- w-what? No, I am very sure that he has never had previous lessons anywhere before this, this is his first piano lesson!
Ms Milljose- Very well. *pauses*
I am sending him home, and I am refunding your money. Prank lessons are not permitted in the IMALA. Goodbye, and have a great day. *hangs up*
Ms Milljose- Ken, according to the terms of the IMALA, prank lessons are not permitted here. We are letting you go this time without charging fees, and we are also refunding the $60 of this lesson that you have previously paid.
Ken- But this is our first lesso-
Ms Milljose- I am sorry. Please make your way through the exit door.
Ken's POV
I wonder why I am being sent home.. It's not a prank lesson! I swear to god, all I did was place my fingers on the piano, and my brain automatically translated the notes through to my fingertips. Why does no one believe me when I say things? Ugh.
- Ken walks through the exit door -
Bailey's POV
I just got sent home because I was able to play Flight of the bumblebee on the violin. Like, what is this, some kind of joke? My mind translated the notes into my left hand, and my right hand just knew which strings to run the bow over. This is stupid. All the effort of begging for violin lessons.
- Bailey & Ken unintentionally bump into each other while ranting to themselves about their teachers -
Bailey- Ken? Why are you out here? Are you okay? You seem down..
Ken- Well, my teacher thinks I held a "prank" lesson and actually knew how to play the piano before coming here, and did this for a laugh. I really didn't expect myself to automatically just play the notes without thinking.. But at least be happy for me! She even told me that she's "letting me go" this time and is not "charging any fees" for this joke. It's ridiculous how confident she is, about something she literally just assumed.
Ken- Oh no- not another coincident, is it?!"
Bailey- What do all these coincidental moments mean...?
Ken- Wait.. Did you say Milljose?
Bailey- Milljose 2. She's the twin sister of your teacher, she told me.
- Bailey & Ken both exit the international Music Acadamy of LA, with a lot going on in their mind about the lesson that had just happened. -
Ken- Oh, my mum's here. I'll, see you tomorrow?
Bailey- Yeah.
- Ken gets into the car -
Ken's Mum- Ken, what do you have to say?
Ken- *bends back forward* Mum, first the teacher sends me out of class for doing something I absolutely have no capability of, doing, and now you're doubting me?
Ken's mum- No, I'm not doubting you.
Ken- *sits back in his chair* I don't know why, mum.
Ken's mum- Why, what?
Ken- 20 minutes into learning the basic note reading techniques and finger arranging, and I was already able to play anything. I didn't even think of it. It just came naturally to my fingertips.
Ken's mum- I saw you talking to a girl there, you liking another girl?
Ken- Oh mum, I have to tell you something COMPLETELY out of the blue moon.
Ken's mum- Shoot.
Ken- You know that girl this morning I told you about?
Ken's mum- Bailey?
Ken- Yeah, that girl you just saw was her, and I have been having really constant coincidental moments..
Ken's mum- Like what?
Ken- If I list all the things down, you'll probably freak out and call it a planned murder or something-
Ken's mum- Ken just te-
Ken- We're in the same music class, both got A+ and screamed it out completely in sync, both have been begging to learn a certain instrument for a year, taking lessons at the same place, WITH CLASSROOMS RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER AND EACH TAUGHT BY ONE OF THE TWIN SISTERS. AND SHE GOT SENT OUT OF HER VIOLIN CLASS, FOR THE EXACT REASON AS ME, KNOWING HOW TO PLAY AND HAVE IT BEING CALLED, A PRANK.
Ken's mum- I think this is a sign..
Ken- This is ridiculous, mum. Of what?
Ken's mum- Once, there was a myth about two young people like you; one playing violin, one playing the piano. They turned out to have been gifted the largest musical skill in the universe, by God, and they both were meant for each other.
Ken- Even more ridiculous, you're telling me I'm gifted the largest musical skill, by God.?
Ken's mum- Well Ken, it is a myth..
Ken's POV
As soon as I walked into my room, I placed my upper body onto my bed. This day couldn't get worse.
I had to text my closest buds about this, they'll join me with freaking out.
I pulled out my phone, and tried to find Sean and Gabe. Usually it would be right there, but my phone somehow reset itself and cleared all the recent texts.
I texted Sean and Gabe,
Yo Sean/Gabe, i have some ridiculous news I have to tell you man. Meetup tomorrow morning at the park? 9am. Be there.
- Moments Later -
Sean & Gabe- yo, can we bring our girls along?
Ken-*texts back* Sure, aight.
- Ken goes to sleep -
Ken- Mum, I'm heading to the park to see my friends.
Ken's mum- Okay Ken. Darn, early for you on a Saturday morning.
Ken- hahaha..
Ken's mum- HAHAHHAHA
Ken- Mum, that was n- yeah whatever I'm going.
I got onto my airboard, and rode to the park. I wonder if they're there yet..
- Ken arrives at the park -
I walked towards the grass, and saw Sean & Gabe waiting for me with their girls.. And another girl, that looked overly familiar. I walked towards her..
Ken- Bailey?
Bailey- Ken? HAHAHAHHA
I looked at Sean and Gabe, with a confused look on my face.
Sean- The girls insisted to bring their best friend, and I was certain you wouldn't mind but..
Ken- No no, I don't mind at all. In fact, even better. I need to tell you guys about something COMPLETELY bizarre.
Ken- So, Bailey and I met yesterday, and there has been so many coincidental moments, that honestly, are pretty horrifying.
Everyone except Ken & Bailey- Like what?
Ken- Being in the same music class, both unintentionally screaming out "A+? YESS" when getting our results back COMPLETELY in sync, both have been begging a year to learn an instrument, both having one of each of the two twin sisters as teachers, and both getting sent out of class because we were able to play the instruments better than the teacher on the first lesson. Like, we literally just played it without thinking, and the teachers both thought it was a stupid "prank" and even let us go saying "I'll let you go this time, and I won't write you any fines". You guys know I've never had any piano lessons before!
Bailey- Yeah! When I got taught the techniques, my brain the told me what to play!
Ken- And yesterday, my mum told me about a myth.
Everyone except Ken- OoooOo tell us
Ken- She was telling me this myth, and it was about a girl and a guy being born with the largest musical skills and being gifted by God, and being meant for each other.
Sean- OoOo is your mum making this up to set you guys up?
Ken- Sean, I met Bailey yesterday and my mum doesn't even know what she looks like yet.
Sean- Oh, right. HAHAHA Woops
Gabe- You literally called me out to tell me this.
Ken- Oh c'mon Gabe, this is ridiculous, and you know it is.
Gabe- I don't see why it is, they're just coincidental moments, and myths, you believe in those?
Ken- Gabe, why are you-
Gabe- C'mon Tati, let's go.
Tati- Yeah.. Bailey I can't believe you even-
Tati- Oh, shut up.
Bailey- Yeah, go with your little "Bae"
Ken- Wow.
Bailey- Thought she was a nice person..
Boogie- Maybe she's jealous of you two? She has always wanted to have musical skills.
Sean- Boogie has a point there. Gabe and Tati have been wanting to become the "World's Duo", but they never had the talent to make that happen' *laughs*
Boogie- Idk guys, but what you told us was really interesting. Can you continue?
Ken- Bailey, how about you continue the story? I just.. Gabe ruined the mood.
Bailey- *tells the rest of the story to Sean and Boogie*
Sean's POV
What Bailey told me was very bizarre, yet very interesting. I reckon if they both got together and made duets, they would get really famous!
Sean- Yo Ken, don't kill me for this, but I reckon you should date Bailey. This way, you guys would become the new "world's duo"!
Ken & Bailey, completely in sync- Sean!
Sean- Oh you see, this is what I mean. Y'two were meant for each other. Hahaha! True Boogie?
Boogie- Yeah! BAIKEN!
Bailey- Guys..
QOS- Do you think Ken and Bailey only see each other as friends?
• stay tuned for more parts •
season 1, part 10.
Bailey's POV
I don't think it's even a possibility for me to become famous LMAO. But Sean actually has a point.. But does KSJ want to cooperate?
Ken's POV
I totally agree with Sean.. What if I actually get famous, with Bailey? I'm just hoping she agrees to work with me to achieve this..
Sean- Guys? GUYS!
Ken- Oh what
Sean- You've been zoning out for like a whole minute!
Boogie- Um Bailey, are you there?
Bailey- Y-yeah, I was just thinking about something'
Boogie- OOoOoo what?
Bailey- Boogie!
Boogie- HAHA SORRY! *laughs*
Bailey- Boogie, can you Skype me tonight?
Boogie- Yeah! I haven't Skyped you in ages!
Bailey- Oh, crap. I'm gonna be late for dance class! AHHH Matt's really strict about being late!
Ken- Bailey, you go to Matt Steffanina's classes?
Bailey- Yeah, but I haven't been going to his classes recently because I've been busy with studying.
Ken- Coincident again?
Bailey- WOA!
Sean- *whispers to boogie loudly* BAIKEN AF.
Bailey- I can bloody hear you Sean-
Ken- Lew!
Sean- *sings frozen's song* I mean it's crazy, they finish each other's sandwiches!
Ken- *judging face*
Bailey- Guys, I have to go. KSJ, don't you have to go too? Matt isn't easy with being late!
Ken- Oh, yeah! Bye Seaboo HAHAHA!
*Bailey and Ken finish Matt's dancing class*
Ken- Bailey..
Bailey- Yo KSJ
Ken- What did you think of Sean's idea?
Bailey- To be honest.. I actually think he has a point.
Ken- YOU DO?!?
Bailey- WOA yeah, why are you so excited?
Ken- I was wondering if you would agree with it, because I really think his idea is going to make us famous.
Bailey- So.. Do you wanna start this journey?
Ken- Yeah.. How though?
Bailey- Well, "World's Duo" got famous, and where they first got noticed was YouTube, and Instagram.
Ken- What is the World's Duo, again?
Bailey- It's the pair in New York City that both can play each an instrument, and both can sing. They got famous after literally a month of posting duets on YouTube.
Ken- WOA Bails, I know I can play the piano but damn, I don't know about me singing. Can't really imagine me being good at it either' *laughs*
Bailey- Dammit Ken, have hope in yourself. You're joining me and Boogie's Skype video call tonight, and you're gonna sing for us.
Ken- B-but-
Bailey- KSJ!
Ken- aw fine'
Bailey- yay! *smiles* *exchanges numbers with Ken* text me when to start the Skyping session.
Ken- Aight, but one deal, you're gonna sing too!
Bailey- It's a deal.
- Ken & Bailey both get picked up by their parents and both got driven home -
Bailey's POV
Can't believe I just met Ken two days ago. It felt like ages considering how far we're thinking ahead right now, getting famous and all. What if he's my other half?
Ken's POV
Two days, and this is how far a friendship can get. I guess sometimes, it's not how long you've been friends for, but rather how much you trust each other. Some people meet, and just "click". I guess Bailey is that person I just "clicked" with. I hope this journey lasts long..
- Ken takes a warm shower and gets cozy in his bed, getting ready for the group call -
- Bailey throws a bath bomb into the bathtub filled with water, bathes then gets out, gets cozy in bed, then sets up the camera to start Skype call -
Bailey's POV
I picked up my phone, to text Ken and Boogie to begin the Skyping session.
- The call starts -
Bailey- So, Ken. You gon' stick with the deal, or you gon' back out? Hahaha.
Ken- Pfft, I never back out of deals.
Boogie- But remember that deal where you had to get me a cookie and I had to tell you one of my biggest secrets? I NEVER GOT THAT COOKIE!
Ken- Um, yeah. I never got to know that secret either'
Boogie- oh, right. Woops HAHAHA!
Bailey- Ken, have you told Boogie about the deal?
Ken- No, not yet.
Bailey- Ok, so Boogie, remember that idea that Sean gave us?
Boogie- Yeah?
Bailey- Yeah, we actually decided to follow it, to try a chance to get famous. Ken and I made a deal that we have to sing to each other on THIS CALL, to see whether we have singing skills or not, to go with our instrument skills.
Bailey- Yes.
Bailey- Boogie?
Boogie- My mum just called me, she needs me to be at her company quick!
Bailey- What's wrong?!
Boogie- I think Gabe and Tati came to make trouble there!
Bailey & Ken- WHAT?!
Boogie- I don't know guys, I'll be back.
- Boogie ends call -
Bailey- Ken, do you think we should still continue this call..?
Ken- Well, if we had our own cars and could drive, we would go to Boogie's mum's company. Clearly we don't, so...
Bailey- So we basically have no capability of helping Boogie right now, anyway?
Ken- Reading my mind, like a book.
Bailey- Ok, so. Who's singing first?
Ken- You, of course heheheh'
Bailey- Yeah, no. You start!
Ken- Dammit. What song?
Bailey- Stitches! It's my favourite song right now!
Ken- No way, ME TOO!
Ken- *starts singing, with passion and feel*
Bailey- Oh, my god. Ken?
Ken- Bro, that was embarrassing as hell.
Bailey- Ken, you literally just hit my face with a rainbow, using your voice.
Ken- *sings what do you mean*
Bailey- and again.
Bailey- Now that you're really good, I feel the need to back out of the deal'
Ken- Bailey
Ken- Falling for your traps, just like I fall for my mum's traps. Dammit.
Bailey- What song?
Ken- Your current favourite.
Bailey- *smiles* *sings stitches*
Ken- *uncontrollably smiles* fame is going to be easy with that.
Bailey- Oh, stop it you. *laughs*
Ken- bae material.
Bailey- What?
Ken- Oh, grey material. That's what my jacket is made of, haha....
Bailey- Mhm hm.
Bailey's POV
I heard exactly what he said there. I wanted to say it back hard, but now is not the time yet. I hope this whole "fame" thing works out, because I want to earn money to buy my parents a house, and possibly even the sports car dad always wanted- the Lamborghini Aventador, LP700-4. In Chrome. Let's hope everything goes with plan..
Ken's POV
I love her.
Bailey- Ken, I think we should go visit Boogie tomorrow. Her and her mum are going through this whole trouble thing, just because of us.
Ken- Yeah.. I don't know what games Gabes and Tati are playing. I don't even know what got to them!
Bailey- Remember when Sean was like.. They're just jealous?
Ken- Yeah.. But like, does that make it our fault?
Bailey- Technically it's not our fault, because we didn't purposely try to ruin their dream.. To become World's Duo.
Ken- That's a point.
Bailey- You know? Like, we just took 1 lesson and now we both can play an instrument.. Possibly even better than people with years of experience.
Ken- Yeah.. I still don't know if the myth actually applies on us.. Do you believe it? *laughs*
Bailey- What, that we both have been largely gifted by God, and that we're meant for each other? *laughs*
Ken- "Meant for each other"
Bailey- Hmmm. So should we start a YouTube, or an Instagram together?
Ken- A YouTube channel, of course.
Bailey- Yeah, I reckon that would be more convenient. Oo, it's 10pm. Bro we need to sleep!
Ken- Bailey, it's like, Sunday tomorrow.
Bailey- Oh, right. Ok so back to the channel name. What do we name it?
Ken- I'm signing up right now, idk. Maybe "baikenduo"?
Bailey- YASSSS! Sign up right now!
Ken- Annnd.. Done.
Bailey- YAY! So when do you wanna try to make a cover?
Ken- Tomorrow? Since it's still Sunday..
Bailey- Where at? What time?
Ken- IMALA studio?
Bailey- Not sure if they'll welcome us in there but Aight *laughs*
Ken- *laughs*
Bailey- Okay, meet you there tomorrow. Goodnight!
Ken- Goodnight. DON'T BE LATE O-
Bailey- KSJ, I KNOW.
Ken- Hahaha. Good. k bye!
- They both end the call -
Ken- MUM! Remember the myth you told me about, that related to me?! YEAH, I'M GOING TO TRY THE CHANCE NOW!
Ken's mum- What? Whatever Ken, but be careful!
Ken- Yeah, I will. Bye mum, love you.
Ken's mum- Same. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Ken- Really mum
Ken's mum- do you want to go or no?
Ken- Hm. Bye.
- Ken arrives at the IMALA -
Ken- Bailey! Hey.
Bailey- AYYYEEE! *brofist*
Ken- So, did they let?
Bailey- Fee's $10 though.
Ken- I got $5 LMAO
Bailey- Same, we can pay together. Do you want to do this?
Ken- Yes!
Bailey- Okay, gimme the $5.
Ken- *gives $5*
Bailey- Hey, can we please hire one of the studios please?
Receptionist- Sure. $10 please.
Bailey- *hands money over*
Receptionist- Thank you. Room 25.
Bailey & Ken- Thanks.
- Bailey & Ken make their way to room 25 -
Ken- Wow. I'm actually surprised they welcomed us!
Bailey- I think it's because they don't know us. Different workers today, than Friday.
Ken- Got a point there.
- Bailey & Ken start setting up cameras -
Bailey- What key do we sing this song in?
Ken- The original is fine. We haven't even got sheets for this *laughs*
Bailey- But we have the "myth" applied on us, and we're "meant for each other" so, I think we'll just know what to do. HAHAHA!
Ken- *laughs*
- Bailey & Ken start the camera -
Bailey- Hey Youtube! My name is Bailey.
Ken- And I'm Kenneth.
Bailey- Today, we'll be performing "stitches" by Shawn Mendes.
- Bailey & Ken both start performing, and both perform the song perfectly, without practice. -
Bailey- Whoa.
Ken- Whoa.
Bailey- That literally-
Ken- Yeah, I know.
Bailey- How did you know where I was going to perform the violin solo?
Ken- I don't know, I just.. Knew.
Bailey- We totally need to show Boogie and Sean this. Text them to come to the park!
Ken- Done, and yeah. And we need to go see if Boogie is okay.
Bailey- Let's go.
- Bailey & Ken arrive at the park -
Bailey- Boogie! Are you alright?
Boogie- Bailey, I have so much to tell you right now. And Ken.
Sean- Yooo, what about me?
Boogie- Ok, you too.
Sean- Yuh.
Boogie- So guys, yesterday when Bailey, Ken and I were skyping-
Boogie- It was meant to be just me and Bailey but then Ken was added because Bailey wanted him to sing'
Sean- Oh, aight keep going.
Boogie- So then yesterday before I even got the chance to hear Ken sing, my mum called me and told me that Gabe and Tati were making trouble at her company, so I had to make my way there.
Ken- What happened when you got there?
Boogie- They told me that they aren't going to let you two get famous, and that they will be back if they see you two continue to attempt to be famous.
Bailey- Pfft.
Ken- Pfft.
Bailey- What can she do? Kidnap me? I'm taller than her by like a head.
Ken- So Sean was right.. About them being jealous. Damn, I thought they were nice people, tf?
Bailey- Sorry Boogie, if Gabe and Tati bothered your mum's company.
Boogie- Naw it's okay, they were only there for a minute before I made my way up there, to "shoo" them away.
Bailey- *laughs* Anyways, Ken, where's the cover?
Ken- Oh, right here. *pulls camera out*
Bailey- Sean and Boogie, want to watch a cover we made? Oh and by the way, we started a YouTube called baikenduo. We're gonna be posting all of our covers there.
Bailey- Ken, show them. *laughs*
- everyone watches the cover -
Sean- SAME.
Bailey- Should we post it as our first video?
Ken- I say yes!
Sean- Yes, AF!
Bailey- Guys.. I just wanted to thank you two for staying by our sides. Gabe and Tati just got jealous.. And turned their backs on us. We just wanted to thank you for sticking around for us.
Ken- Dammit Bailey, I was just about to say that.
Bailey- Woops TOO SLOW! *laughs*
• stay tuned for more parts •

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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