Chapter Three: Power to the People

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Chapter Three: Power to the People

Ash closed the door quietly to her room, not really awake to the world yet. She felt as though she were being dragged through a never ending tunnel, the world laying heavily on her shoulders as she searched for any form of light.

She knew it sounded stupid that she was so upset over a boy, a boy she barely even knew in any case. It wasn’t as if they’d known each other all their lives. But something had died within her when Nathan told her to just forget about him. It was as if her best friend had gone and died. Yep, that was exactly it.

She knew she’d done a stupid thing. She was weak again. Always weak. Always pretending that she was strong, when really she was weaker than those who feel, who admit that they feel emotion. She was ashamed. It’s not right to feel like this. Other people will notice. Just smile and talk and you’ll be fine.

She caught sight of the knife hidden in the open drawer as it gleamed in the sunlight. No. No, don’t. Please don’t. You don’t need to. She slowly uncovered her wrist from behind the sleeve of her shirt. There’s something so ugly, and yet… so beautiful about scars. It tells the tale of a warrior… A warrior? Are you crazy…? This is the mark of the weak. Letting people know your pain is weak. What about your motto? Your beliefs? You’re just going to throw them away over emotions? Who are you?

“Shut up. Just shut up!” Ash shouted to herself as she threw her sleeve back over her wrist and collapsed on the bed, rubbing her sore bloodshot eyes. She hadn’t slept. She hadn’t been sleeping in weeks, not just because of Nathan, but because of the trauma of being locked up again. Every night, she’d dream of being stuck in that cage, in the dark and in pain. She thought of Dom and Mimi with panicked sympathy, concern and regret.

When Ash had been conscious again when they’d first brought her back to Georgea’s, the four of them had discussed about what to do to get their siblings back. The plan was to train for a few weeks before they got them, to be ready to fight their way through the guards. Nathan had said that he knew Craig, and Craig wouldn’t hurt their siblings without reason, unless he wanted to manipulate them, but if that happened, he wouldn’t exactly be secret about it. That was when Nathan had broken down and stopped coming back.

She didn’t like to admit that it was that which had upset her in the first place. It’s not. I don’t need him. I don’t need anyone, especially not HIM.

The door creaked open a little bit, and Ash immediately shut her bedside drawer, and sat protectively next to it on her bed, looking up at the visitor. Georgea stuck her head around the wood, her face soft with sympathy. “You alright?” she asked.

Ash nodded, and smiled at her. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Georgea opened the door fully and stepped in, closing it again behind her. Ash felt a nag of worry gnaw at her as Georgea sat down at the end of the bed. “Coming to give me more therapy? More childhood stories?” Ash asked in a tone not dissimilar to Nathan’s judgemental voice.

Georgea shook her head. “I’m just checking you’re alright. I know you and Nathan argued last night.” Ash’s eyes widened a little in surprise, but she contained herself.

“We’re fine. He’s made his feelings perfectly clear” she said coldly. Even just thinking about it put her down. She wanted James. He always made everything better again.

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