Part 1

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I was currently walking along a small street in the midst of Magnolia, everyone cast funny looks at me, however this wasn't uncommon seeing as a horse with wings was lazily walking beside me.

Turning to the mare, Loyalty, I suggested " I believe it would be better to change into a swan in the city like this. ".

The mare merely nickered and the before large creature swelled down to shape a slim necked swan, quickly she took flight and circled above me and I continued my way to Fairy Tail. I had heard about the Tenrou island incident 7 years ago, and the rumor that followed was shocking, apparently the guild took a hard beating from the notorious guild called Twilight Orge and had moved to a simple barn on the outskirts of Magnolia.

 I had quickly decided, to become a full fledged wizard and wanted to help Fairy Tail by joining the unpopular guild. I knew the walk would be longer than I expected so I speed up almost running, however I knew better, if I would end up running into someone it could result badly. I hoped to reach Fairy Tail before the sun reached the highest point in the, currently, flawless blue sky.

         Ithad taken me about 5 minutes to reach the guild's hall, it was true instead ofa grand building there now stood an old barn with crooked letters spelling outFairy Tail. I involuntarily took in a sharp deep breathe before I shyly knockedon the double doors, I waited a little and then pushed open the slightly rustydoors, the hinges quietly screeched a I entered followed by a loud thump as thedoors fell closed. Stares were sent in my way, all eyes widening, I was nervousI turned to Loyalty for help, she reassuringly squacked and nudged me forward. 

" U-um I want to join a guild. Is this possible ? " I quietly asked.

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