~ Three ~

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You're Going to Make Me Lose My Mind

A woman in her fifties opened the door to Phoebe's bedroom. Not waiting for Evandros who was lagging behind her, the girl immediately went inside the room.

"Ntantá, I need my phone. I need to call someone," she said as she paced towards her bed while the woman whom she just called 'Nanny' followed her.

"Sorry, my dear, but your Ba-ba told me to restrict you from using your phone while the tutorial session is going on." The woman related what her master just told her. She had been working in the Perkos household for sixteen years as Phoebe's nanny and never once in her life that she did something Hector Perkos forbid. She loved the Perkos couple, Hector and his wife, Julie, and she always acquiesced what they desired of her to do. Of course, she loved Phoebe with all her heart like a daughter but she would always follow the master's rules.

Phoebe sat on her bed. "So dad has already briefed you about it."

"Yes, Phoebe dear."

"Did Ba-ba also tell you that you have to be here in my room during the session?" Phoebe asked curiously, hoping that her dad did. She just felt she couldn't stay in one room alone with that guy. She definitely needed a back-up.

Recalling the guy, Phoebe looked at the doorway and saw that Evandros had still not come in.

"No, my dear. I actually came in to tell you that I am strictly reminded by your Ba-ba to stay out of this room during the tutorials."

"Oh, Ba-ba was getting so strict these past days," she complained to herself.

The old woman, at this time, noticed Evandros in the doorway. "Oh, come on in," she said, inviting him.

Evandros finally went in and stopped in the middle of the great space. He looked around and saw that, though there was an accent of red and gold, almost everything in this room, from the wall to the furniture and even the sheets and curtains were mostly beige. The bed where the girl was sitting was all in beige except for the red pillows on it.

At one corner, he saw a study table beside a bookshelf with books that looked like girly stuffs. At the foot of the bed, there was a sala set, carved chairs in red and gold and a coffee table. At the other side, there was a big vanity table with a built-in vanity mirror of exquisite carvings. The area definitely looked like that of a princess' bedroom but with a mature taste.

"I'm Cynthia, Phoebe's nanny," he heard the woman saying. "You are?"

"Evandros Xenakis, madam. Evan for short."

"Oh, no! Don't call me madam. Just call me by my name, Evan." This woman was very protective of Phoebe so the main reason why she needed to come here this very moment was to meet the tutor. To her scrutiny, the man, who was physically gifted like the gods, seemed trustworthy and reliable. He didn't look like somebody who would take advantage of a young girl. Eventually, she was able to muster a smile to him.

Then, she turned to Phoebe and asked, "Agapité, where shall I place the books?"

"Just place them there, ntantá, please," Phoebe answered pointing to the coffee table in front of the bed.

The woman went to get some books from the study table and placed them on the coffee table. She knew which books to get for the master already told her that the subject to be tutored was mathematics.

Later, the nanny asked to leave, went out, and closed the door.

Then, there was just the two of them.

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