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"I hoped for at least a single beam of light to shine through the cracked windows. And you appeared" ;

You dragged your luggage as you step out of the elevator. The dimly lit lobby of the tenth floor was gorgeously decorated and it surprised you that after all the hotels you've checked in to, you were still mesmerized of the interiors.

You made your way across the hallway as you carefully looked for your room number.

"901, 902, 903, 904.." You whispered under your breath as you quietly wandered for your room. Almost there.

Your tracks came to a halt when you saw a figure of a young man standing in front of what you believe was your room.

"Hi, may I help you?" You asked politely after approaching him. You noticed how he didn't look like a foreigner but you brushed off the thought. He was struggling to unlock the door.

"Oh I was just trying to get into my room but this shit won't work. The door refuses to unlock!" He whined, not looking at you.

He continuously tapped his card on the door handle, in hopes of unlocking the door of which he believed was his room.

You found yourself giggling at how cute the guy before you was when he sulked after realising that it was futile to try any further.

"I'm sorry but this is my room. I think you've gotten to the wrong room." You said, trying hard not to sound rude.

"I'm pretty sure this is my room. Room 909" He replied, finally adverting his attention to you instead of the door.

"Um nope. I'm pretty sure i'm right because your room is at the other end of the hallway," You told him as you reached for his card and flipped it around.

"Yours is room 606, honey." You smiled and his face flushed in embarrasement.

He paused for a while before speaking up, "okay that was embarrasing... I shall go now, and thankyou.." He ruffled his hair as he chuckled and dragged his luggage to the other end of the hallway.

"You're welcome." You muttered to yourself before entering your room. You giggled and shook your head at what had just occured.

Well, that was the first memorable thing you'd remember as soon as you arrived in Seoul, Korea.

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