sita's calmness and rageful surpanakha

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Surpanakha's revenge

When, she heard that Sita was abandoned by husband Lord Rama, Surpanakha realized it was time to call spade.

Surpanakha's insult

She remembered how Lord Rama and his brother Laxman, insulted her and stripped her dignity, by dismembering her nose.

Upon their return to Ayodhya, when the inhabitants of Ayodha questioned Sita’s purity, Lord Rama was forced to abandon her. As a dutiful wife, she accepted his decision and left the palace along with her unborn child.

Sita's exile

Sita was headed for the deepest areas in the forest, so she couldn’t be found easily. She met safe Valmiki, who took her into his shelter.

Peaceful life in forest

She was peacefully living her life, when one day Surpanakha arrived at her cottage to meet her.

Sita's tragedy

The act of Sita’s abandonment had created change. She was now the woman who was left by her husband, for she stayed in the home of another man; and this cheered up Surpanakha to no end.

Surpanakha reminds Sita

Surpanakha mocked Sita, and reminded her of the fact that it was she, who was now rejected by Rama, like once Surpanakha was dejected by him.

Abyss of hatred

She also reminded her of the insults that she bore and how happy she was that Sita would now suffer the same fate as her.

Sita offers berries

Sita, being her patient self, smiled, and instead of replying to Surpanakha’s mockery, offered her some fresh berries. She told her that these tasted as sweet, as the berries in Mandodari's garden.

Surpanakha's anger

Seeing her smiling and unmoved, Surpanakha was left perplexed; as she expected Sita to cry out in pain, so she could derive pleasure from Sita’s pain.

Sita embraces new life

But, Sita was nowhere near pain or misery, for she had accepted her fate. Understanding Surpanakha’s displeasure, Sita said, “How long shall I expect those around me to love me as much as I love them?”

Energy within

“Find the Shakti within yourself to love the other even when the other does not love you. Outgrow your hunger by unconditionally feeding the other.”

Surpanakha's painful memories

Hearing Sita speak with such calm, made Surpanakha even more furious and she demanded justice for the insult inflicted on her. Sita explained her further that her culprits have already been punished.

Sita told her that ever since the sons of Dashratha disfigured her, they have known no peace. Yet Surpanakha rave and rant relentlessly.

Sita's content

Sita advised her let go and move on. They who hurt her cannot expand their mind. But surely she can.


She explained to her that she (Surpanakha) had trapped herself in her own victimhood. And, like this she will only be like Raavan.

Sita's pearl of wisdoms

Sita asked her to stand upright while her brothers die, her sons die and her kingdom burns, imagining her own nobility.

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