In which she homewrecks

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It was about two months later. Summer was coming to an abrupt close. It was already the end of July, so Tyvelyn enjoyed the hot weather while it lasted.

She looked out the window to observe some neighborhood kids she'd been becoming accustomed to.

They kicked around a soccer ball in the street until a car came and they all had to move. She smiled at them and waved at little Benji when he stopped to wave to her.

A box sliding across the floor broke her out of her waving fit. "That's the last of it." Justin spoke as his crutch pushed the box again.

He had open arm cuff crutches, the kind you use when learning to walk.

Justin was walking almost completely on his own now.

He had almost eighty percent of the feeling back in his legs.

"Okay, great." I turned to him. "You ready to relax now?" I asked. He wiped sweat from his forehead while nodding. He turned away and headed for the living room.

I grabbed us some kale chips from the cabinet, and two bottled waters. I'd come back to make three cheese tortellini for dinner later. My favorite of all pastas.

We hadn't really been in the new house for two months, but I loved life with Justin.

Our daily routine consisted of morning sex, usually with me clinging onto him as he pounded into me on the island in the kitchen, our daily neighborhood walk, lunch, cuddle and TV time, another shorter walk if he was in the mood, dinner, which was usually interrupted by living room sex, then relaxation time. We'd watch a movie or watch YouTube videos to laugh.

I would clean and do laundry or course, and keep my cat busy with toys, but the routine never changed.

Justin already had the movie on for us to watch. He was under a blanket and looked really wiped out.

He wouldn't let me help him move in the stuff that he could. He wanted to be independent as possible.

A content, relaxed, super calm look was on his face as he watched the movie. I smiled at him and sat the chips down so he could reach them. He quickly dove in.

I weaseled my way into his side as he laid.

He kissed the back of my head after mumbling an "I love you" before I fell asleep not even twenty seconds later.


I was thumbing through a furniture magazine while Justin worked out. We had to use my furniture because I couldn't decide what I wanted in the new house.

"How about, a chocolate brown sofa, and a cream color recliner?" I nodded at the magazine.

Justin huffed out as he bench pressed weight. "I thought you said chevron?" He huffed through breaths. My eyes widened. "I did, oh my god! I can't do this!" I pouted as I tossed the magazine on the floor.

"Babe, whatever you pick will be fine, okay? Don't stress." Justin tried to comfort me. I sighed out loud while I nodded my head. "I'll finish looking later but for now..." I trailed off as I straddled him quickly before he could protest.

He tried to sit up but I pushed him back down. "Ah, no you don't," I smirked before leaning down to meet my lips with his.

His hands squeezed and gripped my ass tightly making me moan. Justin didn't waste a second to make the kiss more heated as he slipped a hand into my shorts.

"So this is what you do all day?" A voice scared the living shit out of me. I jumped off of Justin and helped him sit up. I looked over to see an angry woman tapping her foot.


"I mean, to be honest, yeah," Justin was calm as he scratched the back of his neck.

My eyes narrowed at her. "What did you want?" I sighed as I leaned down to kiss Justin again. I looked up to a seething Pattie once more.

"I want my damn son back!" She hissed at me. "You came around, and suddenly my only child hates me! He literally left the house!" She continued.

"I didn't make him do a thing." I nodded. "If I remember, you were more than happy to haul him off on me so you could do whatever you wanted without worrying about your disabled son." Tears pooled in my eyes at the last part.

"You were supposed to teach him to walk again, not fuck him!" She came back at me.

My head tilted a bit and I looked back at Justin, who was already reaching for his crutches.

He stood up with them and took a few steps. Pattie couldn't believe her eyes.

"I'll have you know that I can ride a dick and still teach the patient how to walk again." I narrowed my eyes.

"He'll be on his own by the end of September. But you're never around to know that." I clocked back.

"I want you to leave us alone. Justin will talk to you when he feels ready," I waved her away.

She didn't say a word as she approached me slowly.

We looked each other in the eye for a few seconds. I wasn't backing down, whether this was my mans mom or not.

"I will get my son back into my care, you just watch you stupid homewrecking slut." she spoke lowly to me.

It took all my power to not crack the fuck up in her face after her words.

"Bring it on, you old bitch."

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