Ima Find Out

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Kelly POV

"You mighty quiet kelly whats going through that head" John said

That nigga just star strucked thats all" Bradley laughed

I just looked at him witht he really nigga? face.Honestly star struck wasnt even the word. I was trying to think of ways to keep my man from rising up if you know what i mean. The way Aja-Lay danced was truly testing my self control abilities. It wasnt the fact that she was bending over or had her legs in the air (dont get me wrong that shit had a nigga finna scoop her up and take her home) , it was simply the fact that she looked so innocent like shes never been touched.

When she admitted she never had to dance lustfully i knew right then and there she was something special. Something i didnt deserve.My motto was fbgp and honestly she deserved better than me, but i cant stay away from her she was too interesting, she was that girl that everyone wanted to be.She was simply beautiful.

"I cant lie she had a nigga on the edge of my seat fck what Tylah was doing" i said laughing

"You right i wanna see Camilla get down cause i know she a freak" Bradley said licking his lips

"Whats taking them so long anyways" John said looking towards the door

On que Camilla,Aja, and Brenda walked in something didnt seem right though. Aja had her face covered with her hair, Camilla looked pissed, and Brenda looked like she had been crying

"Wtf" i said looking at John and Bradley who noticed them too

"Ya'll okay? Look like somebody got they heart broken" john joked smiling wide trying to brighten the mood but his smile quickly faded when we heard Aja sniffing and saw Camilla and Brenda's glare.

"Ima h-head to the car" Aja said looking at noone particular before grabbing her bag and walking out to the other gym doors

"What happened? Why she look like she been crying ?" i asked concerned

"Its not our place to tell yall" Camilla said grabbing her bag

"Should i go see whats wrong?...nah that aint ya place"

"Fuck it" i said before walking out to find Aja-Lay

It was dark outside but i could make out her tiny figure walking to the car.

"Aja-Lay!" I yelled jogging to catch up to her

She stopped but didnt turn to look at me.

" okay?" I asked waiting on her to turn around

"Im fine" she said looking over her shoulder sniffing

Without thinking i grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. At first she was stiff i guess suprised by my actions but when she realized i was just being genuine she loosened up and wrapped her arms around my waist with her face resting on my chest

I didnt know what to say so i just held her. Seeing her like this was killing me inside.

"You dont have to tell me whats wrong but i do want you to know you can talk to me about anything. I know we just met and all, but I Got You and i promise whatever happened it gonna be okay" i said

Hearing her sniff a little i pulled her chin up and whiped her tears with my thumb.She didnt say not a word she just looked at me before letting go and getting in the car.

"I swear i will never make her cry EVER."

"Thank you" Camilla said before Brender and her got in the car and drove off

She Was "That" Girl (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now