I give up

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I curled up in a ball, listened to my music while crying. As I always do because that's the worthless loser I am. Well, that's what people call me.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the socially awkward 16 year old called Alex. Yup. You guessed it that is a boy's name. I'm a girl by the way. Yeah, my parents wanted a boy but, I came. Back to the point. I have waist length, curly, red, hair. Also, I have pale skin like a vampire.

As of right now I'm regretting being born. Yes, I have suicidal thoughts. No. I will never commit because I'm too scared. Maybe I could one day. Key word: maybe.

Anyways, I'm listening to Hide Away, and wishing I could go to a party. Like regular teens. Why can't you? You might ask. Well, my boyfriend, Ryder. Won't let me.

Yes you heard me right. He won't let me. He is very protective over me. I can understand, but normally there is a limit for treating me like an actual human being. In any case, he loves me, so I can't complain.

I'm his little kitten that no one can hurt. Is what he calls me. I love the saying. Even though it's a little possessive.

I finally fell asleep. After crying for an hour. Why am I crying? You might ask. Well about me and Ryder, sometimes he forgets we're in a relationship, and he cheats. So, I cry to take the pain away. Even though, every tear that falls makes me relive the moment again. Making me create more tears. I fall asleep after all the tears are gone and my music playlist is over.

Well, let me tell you how I found out. Apparently, the most popular, hottest, most dumb, girl in school is my best friend. Yes you heard me right. Me the low life, friends with the most popular girl. I'm so lucky. Well she e-mailed me a message about Ryder.

Well, Ryder went to a party. Yes he leaves me home because of reasons I stated before. Then leaves to go. Well, remember when I said he forgets about me. He did. Again. Usually he just flirts or kisses a girl. This time he went too far he actually slept with her.

I was sound asleep when I heard something huge fall. Quickly, I sprinted to the door to find a drunk Ryder. I forgot to mention I packed my bags and placed them at the door. He finally got up sloppily. "What the fuck is this," he said. Staring at me in a way that scared me. Before I could respond, he opened one of them to find my items.

"I thought I would take a break," I replied. He looked back at me. Once again, staring at me. Weirdly, he chuckled. In confusion I stared back. "You are so funny, kitten." He said. "No pun was intended." I said confidentially. "Go to sleep. You sound stupid." He said. Honestly, I'm not offended because he always says stuff like that.

"No." I said almost yelling. "You've forgotten we dated ever since we started dating. I can't handle it anymore. The pain, regret loss of confidence. It's eating me alive. You reached my breaking point." I added. Clenching my jaw afterwards.

He laughed at me. Was I an episode of the Loony Toons to him. What was so funny? All I did was state my opinion. "Kitten, where are you gonna go? Your dad? We both know what happened there. How will you eat? You don't even know anyone. Except that 'friend' of yours." He said, talking to me like I was an idiot.

All that he said was true except about the friend thing. I had no job. My dad kicked me out. "I'm not sure, but I'll work it out." I said back. "Kitten. Drop it and go back to bead before I get mad." He said harshly almost yelling. Determined to get my way, I picked up my stuff and began to walk to the door. Surprisingly, a hand pulled my hair. I looked over to see Ryder's hand filled with my hair.

He pulled me back angrily and slapped me. I screamed only to earn his other hand clamp my mouth shut. I was horrified. He always verbally abused me, but never physically. This was all new to me. It made me cry tears that I thought were gone from earlier.

Forcefully, he pushed me into my room, and slammed the door shut. I sat at the door crying with my head in my hands, thinking where I went wrong.


Hiii. So I guess there is a little abuse. I'll try to add as less as possible due to my sensitive readers. If you have any questions or suggestions comment down below.

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