Drama Drama Drama ....

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I woke up next morning, crawling out of my bed lazily. I let out a loud yawn and stretched, walking to my mini desk. I sat down on the chair and began brushing through my long brown hair.

Am I really like Katherine?

Well you've never met her so who knows?!

You again ...

Don't say that ... you love me!

Oh god you sound like Damon ...

That is such an insult!

Because of that, I will ignore how annoying you are :D


Am I really a bitch though? That was very rude of them.

Meh ... The bitchy ones get all the fun!

I guess you're right ...

I looked up from the pencil I was staring at so intesnely, and my hair was now presentable. I smiled and changed out of my pajamas, throwing on skirt that came up just above my knee. It was sunny today so It seemed like a good day. To go with my skirt, which was black and white I put on a plain black shirt with the words "Beware: Bitch on the loose!". I grinned and walked down stairs in my converese trainers, my most beloved poseesion. I met up with Elena down stairs, and when I say met up, I meant almost tripped into. Yes, I have discovered it's possible to trip over air. How awesome is that?! 

"What the hell?!" Elena said, holding her chest panting. I think I may of scared her a litle ...

"Sorry, I'm just in a very cheery mood!" Says loudly, smiling creepily. Elena looked around uncertainly.

"Oh god ... Who are you and what have done with my sister?!" She said, looking at me freakily. I looked myself up and down.

"Have I got a bunny on my nose or something?" I asked, faking worriedness. She rolled her eyes and grabbed some money, which we shared between ourselves before walking away. Vicki Donovan and Jeremy were talking, which I found strange since there was no Tyler attatched to her lips. I noticed the love bites on her neck and my face was full of disgust.

She is such a slut! I said to Damon, the voice in my head.

Yep. I would call her a two timer but she's probably more like a four timer. Damon said and I chuckled, I saw a few faces turn at me. I waved at them creepily and even whispered to a girl in my class who hated my guys.

"I know where you live!"I  whispered and ran away, hiding a giggle.Eventually, I collapsed into Laughter at the steps of the school. Panting heavily, I dragged myself into the school, where Elena stood, chatting to Caroline. She waved us over, smiling. I forced on a smile, trying not to slap Caroline.

What did she ever do to you?!

Stole Matt from Elena. I don't care if she's with Stefan she's better off with Matt.

Is that because you love Stefan AND Damon?

Ofcourse not you silly little voice!

I growled quietly, ending the mental convosation to find three peolpe staring at me.

"What?!" I snapped and stormed off towards History. As predicted, Stefan was there. He smiled at me, or so I thought. I looked behind me and Elena came in, waving. Everyone waved hello to Elena, and that just put me in a worse mood. I sat in the corner desk at the back, not caring who's seat I had sat in.  Someone cleared there throats and I looked up, and infront of me stood a girl around the same age as me. I loked her up and down, analyzing her. Definetly Emo. I shook my head, smiling in a cruel way.

"Nah. I'm feeling sort of emo today so this is my seat. K?" I said, glaring and she sat next to me.

"I'm Eve ..." She mumbled, and began drawing in her text book, nodding.

"Ebony." I replied curtly and put my earphones in, paying to attention to Alaric as he droned on and on about Mystic fall's history. 

Well it is History class isn't it?


And it is Mystic falls right?


Then whats wrong?

I'm bored thats what.


I scowled at the paper I was staring at, so far I had drawn nothing except for a few stars in the corner. I scanned the room for someone to draw, and ended up drawing Eve since she was closest. I sneaked glances at her face, and began sketching the outline of her face. That part was easy, the hard part was applying the Detail. At first, I had drew an outline of the eyes and mouth, seeing as though her hair covers half of her face. I pushe down afterwards, tracing over the lines so it was firm and erased the extra parts. Her portrait was almost complete. While listening to Evanescence bring me to life, I added on her nose and lip piercing and some detail in the hair. I shifted back to appriciate my art work, I looked at her face and noticed it was practically perfect. I chuckled quietly and coloured it in faintly, barley using any pressure to add the contrast to her raven black hair and peircing blue eyes. I started at the piece of art work in my hands, and couldn't help but smile at it. I put my sketch pad away as the bell rang, and stood out of my seat. Next to me, Eve had grabbed my arm softly.

"What class do you have next?" She asked, smiling. I think she's lonely ish ...

"English." I said, smiling back.

"Me too. Can I go with you?" She asked, and I nodded. We left the now empty class room, discussing Evanescence. I noticed a few people glared at us, well mainly her. I returned the glares as we continued to talk and walk. The english class room was by now full, and me and Eve took the two remaining seats at the back. We highfived, grinning as our teacher, Mrs. Norris talked about the importance of punctuation. I noticed Eve zone out and I yawned, doing the same. The day pretty much went the same way, me and Eve zoning out or talking through class. I smiled sadly as we departed, going separate ways. I met up with Jeremy, who was about to lean in to kiss Vicki.

Oh no you don't! I screamed at Jeremy in my head. 

Do what? Damon asked and I rolled my eyes at him mentally while dragging Jeremy away. He looked like he was going to kill me.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! I WAS ABOUT TO KISS VICKI!" He yelled at me, and I shot him a cold glare.

"Well Jeremy. I don't want you to get hurt. All she does is hurt, I bet she's snogged half the school today so Don't get your hopes up!" I said, calmly. I think he seemed upset, shocked and angry because he slapped me. Wait ... SLAPPED ME?! I felt a stinging sensation of pain in my cheek. Never had my brother hurt me before. Tears sprung in my eyes, as sadness erupted in me. That was overwhelmed with anger soon after and I spun him round by she shoulder, and punched him in the face. Not a friendly punch that boys some times do. I mean the punch that sends people staggering. Tears of anger and sadness strolled down my cheeks as Jeremy sat on the floor. 

"I hate you ..." I whispered, and walked away. I didn't notice the blood on my face until I felt it on my fingertips. I collapsed in the forest, away from my normal tree. I didn't want to be disturbed. Feeling very emotional right now, I grabbed my sketch pad again and began to draw. I didn't know what I was drawing, I just let my hand do the moving. Around twenty minutes later, I opened my eyes to look at what I drew. I tried not to throw up, as I had drew a sword plunging into a heart. I put the pad away, deciding not to draw and just leaned against a well. By now, the tears had stopped, and I was feeling like a wreck, and I probably looked like one too. I put my ipod on and just listened to the songs, blocking out my surroundings. The last thing I felt was a blunt heavy object smash against my skull before the blackness came in ...

Ebony Gilbert: The secret sister (Vampire Diaries fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now