Some advice (chapter 1)

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It was a bright summer day. It has been 2 years since Tord destroyed what little happiness Tom had left. But, something he just found out made him a little less sad about what happened; Edd. He hadn't noticed it before, but recently his heart would flutter or skip a beat whenever Edd greeted him or even gave him a pat on the back. This feeling was entirely new to him, so he wasn't sure what to think of it.

He was in his room, staring out the window. He was trying to find what this feeling truly was, when he heard a knock on the door. Jumping, he snapped out of thought. "U-uh who is it?" He stutters out. A small shift is heard from the other side of the door, then a small sigh. "I-its me, Tom. I wanted to talk to you about something." The voice was in fact Edds voice, and he sounded pretty nervous about something.

"Come on in." Tom says in response, trying to calm his heart beat and trying to sound more relaxed than he really is at the same time. The door opens, and Edd comes into sight. He speed walks into the room and sits next to Tom on the bed. A moment of silence drifts until Edd speaks up. "I.. need some advice."

Tom's expression turns to a shocked one. Advice from him? That never happened before. Usually Edd went to Matt for advice. "Advice for what?" He asks calmly, knowing that he would help Edd no matter what. A long pause drifts from Edds end, as he is presumably trying to find the right thing to say. Tom wasn't going to rush him, as some things take time.

"I-its about someone I like.. I.. don't know how to tell them.." He says, looking up to Tom shyly. Red and pink blush mixed on his face, as he was red as a tomato. Tom never saw Edd this shy or blushy before, so it was entirely new to him. He takes a moment to think of a response, but a question pops up in his mind.

"Well.. usually people express how much they mean to them, but for certain genders and things like that, people say you should take them to specific places. So.. what gender is the person you like? That is, if you want to tell me."

"It's.. a guy." Edd says in response quickly, then looks away. "Hmm, then I guess just tell him how you really feel. And if he feels the same, ask him out and bring him to a place he really likes." Tom says, not really minding that Edd likes a guy. He was no expert on dates as he hadn't been on many, but he tried.

A smile forms on Edds face, as he takes a deep breath. Shoving his hands into his hoodie, he once again looks up to Tom. "The person I like.. It's you, Tom."

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