Peter Maximoff x Reader

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For: Jennalobesbananas thank you for requesting! And I hope you like it!

"Hey Peter can we take a break from cleaning all this crap?" You complained shoving another empty twinkie box into a trash bag.

Smiling to himself he rushed over to the other side of the basement to where you were. "Sure but cmon you were the one who said you'd help me clean the basement so don't complain" taking the now full trash bag from you he tossed with the others adding another to the already high pile.

"You know I only agreed cause I knew you wouldn't do it yourself. Plus I can hear your mom yelling at you from my house." You giggle at him taking a seat at the end of his couch with Peter taking a seat next to you.

"Ugh, yeah I'm sorry about that. I know she can be pain like that but I just never feel like cleaning. Its so boring."

"You have super speed. You can clean this basement in a second you know." Smiling down at you he chuckls and wraps his arm around you, playing with the ends of your hair.

"Yeah I know but like I said cleaning is seriously boring, but thanks again for helping. It wasn't as boring with you here." Smiling to yourself, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch you mumbled a "you're welcome."

Peter looked down at your relaxed figure and smiled to himself. He couldn't help but think of how cute you looked. So relaxed and breathing slowed down. It took him a second to realize he was staring and had a light pink blush to his cheeks.

In that moment he felt his heart skip and stomach turn. He knew his feelings for you were more than just friendship. He knew he wanted something more with you, but he didn't want to ruin anything to where you wouldn't want to be friends anymore.

Peter sighed and gently shook you to wake you up so you guys could finish cleaning.

After all the hard work was done Peter walked you home and you said your goodnights.

When Peter got home he couldn't stop thinking about today and what he was feeling. He laid down on his couch and stared at his ceiling thinking about you. "Fuck, what am I going to do? I really like (Y/n)."

It was around 2am when he decided to just go over and say it. He didn't care if it was late, he didn't care if he woke up your parents, he wanted to confess everything right then and there.

Getting up and grabbing his jacket he ran to your house and stood outside your bedroom window. Knocking on it he saw the light turn on and saw you climbing out of your bed tiredly walking towards him.

Opening the window you rubbed your eyes and looked at him confused. "Peter? What are you doing here? Its like 2 in the morning. Everything okay?"

Sheepishly smiling he stepped closer and took your hand. "Yeah everything's fine. Sorry I woke you up but I was thinking, thinking about us. About what I feel and how long it's been since I've felt this way. I couldn't sleep cause you're all I thought about. It wasn't until I said "Fuck it" and ran over here that I realised I just really wanted to tell you that.....that I really like you. I like you as more than a friend (Y/n). And I'd really like it if instead of being just my friend, you'd be my girlfriend?"

Taking a deep breath he looked at you studying your face.

Smiling you nodded and laughed a little at his nervous expression.

"Yeah Peter, I'll be your girlfriend. I really like you too. But next time can you do this during the day and actually come into my house instead sneaking out at 2 am?"

Laughing he shook his head. "no promises but I'll try." Leaning in he gives you a kiss on your cheek and dashes off back to his house leaving you at your window with a smile on your face.

Peter Maximoff X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now