Where am i

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It shoved me into what I was guessing a trunk of a Moving truck. I was panicking, what the hell was going on? They shut the door and it was silent. The truck started to move and I began to find a way out. First I needed to get my hands untied. After squirming out of the ties I escaped the blanket and looked around. My eyes had to adjust  to the darkness of the room. I stood up and tried to find my luggage. Luckily it was here, over in the corner. My phone had went out earlier, but there was my emergency phone . . . Oh wait . . . I couldn't bring it. I needed to escape. There was a small hole in the wall where I could look out and see where I was. It was forest, pure trees. It wasn't a highway but an old road. About an hour later the people stopped at a gas station, this was my chance to escape. I waited for them to go then I opened the latch, lifted and closed the door, grabbed my bag, and was off. I bolted as fast as I could into the forest. I hid behind a bolder until the truck left. I was on my own. I wasn't near any town except the the lonely gas station. I went into the gas station as casually as I could. The newspapers where for California . . . That's far from where I have to be.

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