Chapter 1- Bloopers

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Elena POV

It was me and my best friend's first time going to a new School called Beacon Hills I heard it's quiet down here so me Carlos, his girlfriend and my best friend Ciara, Britney, and me Ex Logan, and my family all moved there we all go to School except Carlos and Ciara they are older my mom agreed to moving she let my older sister come today, I have a secret I never shared is that I am different then my friends and family I have a power that I can't explain it's like I'm wolf but I can do magic and I can transform into a white wolf I never told anyone but every full moon I learned how to control it so I know how to use it and how to realise it they say other animals can smell when there's a other wolf but me it's different I smell like a human, I wanted to visit the woods and a grave yard but I had to go to School first so I put on my silk flower shirt then my pants and heels, and a Jacket I always have my hair in a ponytail or straight I'm a geeky and naive girl except for my hot pink challenger I drive it everywhere .

I heard my phone ringing I picked it up "Hello," I said "Hey El I'm going to this party tonight you wanna come," Ciara asked.

"No Cici I have stuff to do stuff," I said

"Alright meany," She said hanging up.

I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs my sister was drinking coffee I grabbed a Gatorade and bag of chips and put them in my bag then headed out to my car hopped in my car and drove off.

The School was big I parked in a parking space I saw Britney so confused I laughed and walked towards her "Hey you look a little bit confused," I said she looked at me and laughed we walked in the School Ciara catched up.

"You guy's hey you left me you could have at least waited," She said

I laughed "In a million years," I said we laughed then I walked to my locker I was playing with lock then I opened it I put my stuff in it when I turned around I saw this boy looking at me cute too he had short hair and a cute face I blushed and walked passed .

I laughed "In a million years," I said we laughed then I walked to my locker I was playing with lock then I opened it I put my stuff in it when I turned around I saw this boy looking at me cute too he had short hair and a cute face I blushed and w...

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I made it to science late I ran when I opened the door everyone looked at me I saw the guy who I walked past sitting next to a red head I saw people looking at me.

"May I help you miss,"The teacher said

I looked at him "Yeah isn't this science right,"I asked he giggled "Yes it is have a sit next to Erica," He said I walked in and sat next to the blonde she looked at me and smirked "What's your name," She asked "Elena Gibson," I said she had an ugly experience on her face "Well Elenor please stay out of my way cause I'm busy here,"He said wait where did this come from I didn't know and didn't care I just rolled my eyes and did what was told.

"Alright everyone now taste your crystal," The teacher said

I was confused but just tasted and it was actually good "LYDIA NOO!," A boy said when I spelled the crystal it was poison I immediately covered my mouth and raised my hand she dismissed I hurried and ran out to the bathroom I threw up blood gosh this feels horrible once I got up the bell rung then Erica burst in the bathroom she smiled evil.

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