Chapter 1: Hermione

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Chapter 1: Hermione
The train station was packed. I wiggled through every little hole I could find. I lost my mom, but only for a minute. "Hermione! Hermione, dear." I heard my mother calling my name, so I tried to move around a brick pillar. I saw my mom as soon as she saw me. I took a step in her direction, but then, someone bumped into me. I reached out to grab onto something, but the only thing I grabbed was air. The last thing I saw before I fell was my mom running towards me.
When I started to get up, I saw a different train station with only one train. It was a big, bright, red train. I looked around, but the people around me were dressed differently than I have ever seen. They were wearing tall, bright hats, on their heads and long, bright capes. I looked over at the brick pillar, when I saw my mom come out of it. She was worried, until she saw me. She crouched down and hugged me. "Oh, my darling! I'm so glad you aren't hurt. I don't know what I would have down if something would have happened to you," she cooed in my ear. She helped me up, and I looked over at her, confused. "Where are we?" She smiled gently, "This is how you are going to get to Hogwarts." I grabbed her hands and jumped up and down. "Really?" Her smile grew from ear to ear as she nodded. We walked towards the train, while I pulled my trunk behind me. I was so happy that I was finally going to Hogwarts, but I was sad that my dad couldn't see me off to my new school. I wasn't mad at my dad. I knew he was working hard for our family, but I still missed him.
I heard the conductor call for the last of the students on the train, so I hugged my mom. She squeezed me tight and kissed me on top of my head. A tear rolled down my cheek. My mom wiped the rolling tear off of my cheek, smiled, and quietly shushed me. "You will be fine, my dear. Use your brains. They will always show you the right way." I buried my face into her arms and then looked up at her. "I love you." Her warmth breath on my face was comforting in the cool, autumn air. "I love you too, my flower." I picked up my trunk and dragged it behind me to the foot of the steps to the train. I turned and waved. I was unbelievably happy. I was studying to be a witch. I always read about witches in fairy tales, but I never thought that they were real. Now, I was walking onto a train, taking me to a school that would teach me the way to use my powers. The conductor lifted my trunk on the train and smiled. He led me into the passengers' carriage and found me a corridor. He heaved my heavy trunk on to a rack, high above his head. He turned and walked back through the train. I was jerked forward as the train got off to a slow start. I looked out the window and there was my mom. She was waving and crying. I waved and started to cry, too. I would miss my parents so much. I couldn't stand the fact of thinking of not seeing them till Christmas. It would be a lonely couple of months, but then I thought of the people I would meet. I didn't know how this wizard school works, but I was anxious to find out. I hoped that I would make some new friends that I had classes with.

After the train station disappeared, it was a forest for miles. It was beautiful with all of the different colors. It was September 1st and the leaves on the trees were just starting to change their colors. It was a peaceful ride of thinking, until a boy came running into my corridor. He was red in the face and out of breath. "Have you seen a toad named Trevor, anywhere?" I scrunched my nose in confusion. "Did you say a toad?" The boy was too out of breath to respond, so he nodded. I looked down to look for the toad, but I didn't see one. I looked and the boy and said, "I have not seen a toad, nor have I seen a toad named Trevor. I'm sorry." He looked upset, but he asked, "Will you help me find him?" I wanted to sit there and maybe read, but I wanted to help this boy find his pet. I replied, "Yes, I would love to help, but I don't know your name." He looked sorry. "Oh, I am Neville, Neville Longbottom." She smiled and said, "Well, Neville, I am Hermione Granger. It is very nice to meet you." It walked out into the passengers' carriage and turned around. "I will go this way; you can go that way. Thanks." Then he took off down the long carriage. I turned and check the next corridor. They hadn't seen the toad. I checked a few more, but still, no toad was to be found. I had checked the rest of the carriage, except for two corridors. They were sitting back to back on the left side.

I went into the closest on first. I slowly pushed the door open, and there sat three boys my age, eating candy and talking. On the right bench, two dark headed boys sat next to each other. They were licking their fingers when I walked in, but they never looked up. When I looked to the left, I saw a bleach blond headed boy with fair skin. He looked at me the second he heard me opening the door. He looked at me and smiled. "Who might we have here?" He seemed very interested in me, while the other boys were too infested in their candy to even look up at me. I looked to the floor and smiled. "I am Hermione Granger." His smile became a half smile. "Would you like to sit down, Hermione?" I have never been on a date, let alone have a boyfriend. The boys that went to my school were never very smart and not very nice, so I never liked a boy, but he was charming. He was very smooth with his questions. "I would love to, but I am looking for something." He chuckled for a second, then said, "Can't you take one moment to yourself?" I thought about it for a moment. I was looking for someone's property and I didn't have to. Maybe I could take one second, just maybe... I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess." I took the seat next to him and smiled. We sat there for a couple seconds, until he said, "My name is Draco. I will be in the Slytherin house. What house will you be in?" He smiled his cunning smile, but I was confused. Slytherin house? What is a house? What is a Slytherin? I decided to ask the most confusing question first. "What is a house?" His smiled disappeared, but only for a second. "Didn't your parents tell you?" I shook my head. "Well, that is surprising, but houses are what you are sorted into. It is where you live and it shows your personality." I was starting to understand, but I was still unsure. "How many houses are there and what are they called?" He looked out the window, as if he were trying to remember it all. "There are four different houses, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and the worst house of them all, Gryffindor." I giggled, thinking it was a joke, but he was serious. I didn't understand why he was so serious. "Why is Gryffindor the worst?" Now his smile really disappeared. "They think they are the best house because they are brave, but if you ask me, any other house can be just as brave." I had seen very few answers in this conversation. "How do you know that Gryffindor's are brave?" He looked at the two boys sitting across from him. They were still eating their candy. "Your personality puts you in your house. Gryffindor's are said to be brave, Ravenclaw's are supposed to be smart, Hufflepuff's are loyal, and Slytherin's are cunning. What house will you be sorted into?" He had moved closer and closer as the conversation went on, so now our shoulders were about to touch. "I don't know. Maybe Ravenclaw." His smile was already on his face again. "Smart. You could be cunning; you could be in Slytherin." I was smiling ear to ear. Did he want me to go into Slytherin with him? I didn't know what to say, so I said, "Maybe." Then I remembered that I was helping Neville. I wanted to sit down and talk, but I didn't want to sit there for that long. I shook my head, stood up, and smiled. "I have to go. I have to keep looking. It was nice meeting you." I was shutting the door as he was saying goodbye, so I wouldn't be tempted to keep talking to him. I waved when I shut the door and went off to check the last corridor. There were two boys in this one, a dark haired boy with glasses and a boy with bright red hair. They had not seen the toad either, but I did talk to them. The dark haired boy was the famous Harry Potter and the red headed boy was Ron Weasley. When I left the corridor to go back to my own, I stopped and waved to Draco. He just smiled, but it was a happy smile. He waved and stepped out of the corridor. "Did you find what you were looking for?" I shook my head and remembered that I never asked him if he had seen it. "Did you see a toad?" He laughed. "A toad. That is what you were looking for? No, I haven't seen it, but if I do, I will bring it to you." He smirked and walked back into his corridor. I longed to see his smile. There was something very different about it, but it was a good different. I slowly walked back to my corridor, thinking about where a toad might hide. I sat in my corridor, thinking. It was a short ride to castle, but I was very happy to make it. This would be my new home during the school year.

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