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"Can't you just tell me on the phone?"

"No, I want to tell you in person, Sam."

"Fine, come on over."

This could either be really good news or really bad news. I get up out of bed and look at the clock. It's literally 8 AM. What could be so important that he has to tell me now. Then I hear this idiot tapping on the door. I trudge down the stairs and head for the door.

"Who is it?" I sing.

"Cody." He mimics my tone.

I open the door and roll my eyes, even though I'm happy he came over. Even if it's bad news he is still my best friend and enjoy his company. Correction, I'm just lonely. Cody taps me breaking my thoughts.

"Are we going to your room or -"

I nod laughing to play off how dumb I probably looked. I announce Cody's arrival to my mom in the kitchen and of course, because she loves Cody, she comes up and demands a hug.

"Ok ok let's go." I say impatiently, and for once in a while she takes a hint and gives him up.

He grabs my hand and then we run up the stairs. When we got to my room he does a backflop onto my bed.

"Ok, so the news?" I ask.

"Yeah, get hype, it's pretty good news," he responds, patting beside him motioning for me to sit by him.

He tells me about the tour he is a part of, which of course I know about, and how they are starting up again.

"Oh that's great, but you're gonna leave me?" I say making my best puppy dog face.

"Nope, that's the best part. The owners have invited you to join us on tour." He says excitedly.

My jaw drops. Everything about this opportunity seems amazing. I love traveling, meeting new people, and especially doing all of that with Cody. Me and Cody already do a lot together, he's my best friend. His friends are pretty amazing too. They are always so nice to me when I've hung out with them before.

"Cody, you're kidding?" I say still shocked.

"Nope, but, we would have to leave tonight."

Oh geez. I mean it doesn't seem impossible but yet everything is about to change so quickly. Hotels every night, buses all day. I think I have a few fans, only because they know Cody and I together.

"I have to ask." I say sassily trying to hide my excitement.

"Tell me by around 2 o'clock because we have to be at the airport by 7." Then he stands up, gives me a quick kiss on the forehead, and heads home. As soon as I here the front door shut I squeal, like a pig basically. This is going to be so fun! My mom comes rushing in,

"Are you ok?" she says giving me a strange look.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, but mom this is really soon and I was wondering if I can go on tour with Cody." I plead. I was about to go down on my knees.

"Hmmm, this seems pretty important to you. I'm nervous about this by I know Cody will look after you, so yes." She says.

I jump into her arms and start kissing her all over.

"Thank you so so so so so so much mom, this means the world to me."

She laughs and then tells to come eat breakfast.

I can't believe it.

// 🈹💦
short beginning but get ready for dis. I wanted to put beliebe at the end but I held back. Its funny how that girl is going to sue him but do you really think that's gonna phase him? He has tons of money , congrats on hitting him in a hard spot. oh whale ttyl 🐳

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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