Naruto: Untold Tales

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A light breeze carried several drying green leaves in its wake from the ground, and carried the scent of the ending of a long day. It had been the average day in Konoha, peaceful and full of its usual rambling and chatter. The day was finally winding down, the sky a beautiful mixture of yellows, oranges, blues, and purples. The sun was setting low, and in a good half hour it would more than likely be dark out.

Taiki wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead, and took another sharp intake of breath. This whole day had been spent just training. alone. He had actually managed to lose track of time by now, and as his eyes darted up to the sky he was surprised by what he saw. "I haven't even been here that long though..." Taiki sighed, shaking his head. It'd be best to get home before dark. No point in dealing with the idiots who roamed the streets at night. It never ended well. So with another heavy sigh, he began to pack up his weapons begrudgingly. All he'd probably do when he got home was sleep anyways. Within a moment all his things were packed and he headed back towards home, muttering several not-so-nice things under his breath.

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