Chapter 2: The Findings

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It irritated him that he couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be. Jin kept up with him, his mind racing before they finally turned a corner. The entrance to the Hokage's office looked utterly destroyed. Taiki stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening at the sight of it all. Whoever did it had some serious power it seemed. His eyes scanned the area for the person that could have caused it, and they locked on to a man who seemed to be surrounded by a couple ANBU. Taiki let out a small groan, and cast a glance as if to ask 'Should we help?' towards Jin.

Jin's eyes widened as his byakugan caught sight of what was going on, just before they had turned the corner. When Taiki glanced towards him, he simply looked at the anbu and ran towards the man that had obviously done damage to the Hokage's building. "Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms!" he shouted before swinging in the direction of the man. If any of the hits got him, chances are that the rest would follow suit. "One palm!" he shouted as his hand neared the man.

Ari stood over the unconscious Anbu and shook his head, "I really didn't want to do that you know..." he muttered as he shoved his weapons back onto his waist. He was about to enter the building when he heard a series of quick foot steps and a yell behind him, "Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms!", the mercenary had just enough time to substitute himself with a water clone before he heard the person who had rushed him yell out again, "One palm!". The mercenary jumped back only to have his clone explode a short second later,revealing the man who had struck it down "Well that was certainly close! You should really be more careful when using something like that!" Ari called out to Jin with an expression somewhere between amusement and wariness.

Jin looked to the man who had made a water-clone to replace him just as he had struck. "Says the one making an explosion I could hear from half-way across the village." he said before moving into a battle-ready stance. "Why are you fighting the ANBU?" he asked, readying his arm to swing forward and use the eight trigrams vacuum palm technique. "You better have a good reason..." he said quietly as he thought of the escorts that were searching for him and would likely appear soon- "THERE YOU ARE!" one of the escorts shouted as they both appeared. He frowned at the thought of the escorts finding him.

Ari scratched his head and sighed, "Sorry about that. And to answer your question, I was promised a relatively large sum of money to complete a mission on behalf of the hidden leaf. Or rather, to complete the mission and NOT make it have anything to do with the leaf. I was meant to be payed hours ago so when my cash didn't arrive I figured i'd just talk to the hokage about it. These guys thought otherwise though." he explained while nudging one of the anbu members with his foot. At the sight of Jin's face when his escorts appeared, Ari gave him a shit eating grin and started walking backwards, determined to keep his eye hyuuga, "Looks like you have some friends that wanna catch up with you. Tell you what, we can continue this talk later." the mercenary chuckled.

The Hokage stepped around the rubble, raising an eyebrow at the sight of it all. "Can't I take a nap without some type of destruction happening while I do? Sheesh. It's gonna take forever to rebuild this." He sighed, shaking his black hair out with a heavy yawn. He seemed almost indifferent to it, and looked over to Taiki, Jin, and Ari. He figured it'd be Ari and approached him with a warm smile despite the situation. "I'm sorry, I'm not too wonderful to be around when I'm tired. Neither are you it seems..." He chuckled, looking around before his eyes rested on the ANBU on the ground. "Here is your payment, but I'd like to advise you that the next time you pull something as stupid and idiotic as this, there will be severe reprecussions my friend." He said, mainting the warm and friendly tone he had. He pulled a quite sizable bag of money from inside a pocket and plopped it down into Ari's hand without a problem.

Reina raised an eyebrow, watching everything silently. Was he serious? Was this really happening? Reina rolled her eyes and shook her head, "This has to be some of stupidest thing I've been around to see..." She muttered under her breath irritably.


Author's Note!

• Forgot to do this last time! Anyways... How do you guys like it so far? I guess I had to throw in that last bit of humor since I haven't done anything like that yet! Vote for this story and I hope to hear from you guys soon!

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