Chapter 6

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Sorry that I've kind of been MIA, I'll try to write more but things just get in the way sometimes. Hope you guys like this chapter


I was walking to class when I saw the sign for the ball. It'll be my first ball and I'm really excited. I just want to go with my friends and hang out and enjoy it. I hear the band start playing. Odd.

I turn around and I see the band playing and Oliver walking down with a huge sign asking me to the ball. Well there goes that plan.


" Ya sure." I answered just because I wasn't sure what else to say.

Everyone claps and I just want to leave. I make eye contact with Kaz and he just gives me a faint smile and walks away.



That was a grand gesture for a small little ball.

I see Emma walk next to me.

" That was something wasn't it" She asks me

" I think it was too much for a little thing. " I reply

" I thought it was cute but I have to agree, it was a bit much" She says

" Speaking of the whole ball thing, would you like to go with me?" I ask

" I would be honored." She smiles and skips away.

I kind of needed a distraction at this thing now that Oliver and Skylar were going together. Oliver is infatuated with Skylar mostly because she's beautiful. I'm not sure if he 100% likes her for her. I know I-

" Kaz, I need your help" I hear a familiar voice call

I pivot and see Skylar making a bee line toward me.

" What's wrong?" I ask

" This whole ball thing is so confusing. I mean I want to go but not with Oliver. I have no idea what to wear. Ugh! It's all too much." She says really fast

" Okay ummm , 1. Just have fun and don't worry about your date or anything. 2. You'll look great in anything you wear. 3. Just go with the flow." I say trying to be reassuring.

" thanks. You want to hang out today? I just need some breathing room. Oliver is suffocating me. " She asks as she runs her fingers through her hair.

" I would love to but I'm hanging out with Emma today. Sorry, maybe tommorow " I say in the nicest way possible

" Oh ya. It's cool. I'll ummm see ya later." She stammers and walks off.

I would so rather hang out with Sky than Emma but I like Emma too and I said I would. I'm a guy who keeps his word... most of the time.


* after hanging out*

" How did you manage to beat me? I should have never underestimated you. " I laughed as we were getting ready to depart

" I'm pretty great. Thanks for today, it was fun. I'll see you tommorow" She said before she walked off

I get a text for Sky saying to meet her at the mall. What the heck.

I walk into the store and look for Sky. I finally see her and she has a bunch of dressds.

" Those aren't for me right?" I joke

" No, They're for me and I need a second opinion. " She says as she walks into the dressing room.

" You need some more friends. " I say

She opens the door in a long, blue gown. She looked stunning.

" You're shopping all wrong. Long dresses are for prom and shorter dresses are for anything else. That's what thing you learn when you live with girls and other things but that's not important. " I state

" okay okay. I have like 2 dresses that are short. Be right back" She says as she enters the dressing room again.

She walks back out with a black dress on which was pretty basic but it looked good on her.

" You look great but try the other one on" I state as she sighs and trots back in the room.

She walks out again with a white dress on.( dress above) She looks beautiful in it.

" Kaz? How do i look? " She asks

" beautiful. Oliver will love it" I say still stsring.

" there's someone else. Who I like. I wished he had asked me but then Oliver asked me and oh well. " She spills

" Well whoever it is will be sorry about not asking you. "

" Thanks Kaz." She smiles and hugs me.

I hug her back. Damn this crush / like thing got me good.

I pull away " I got to go. See ya tomorrow." I say

"Thanks again for coming. " She smiles and turns back to the dressing room.


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