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This is the second part to my short story that im just quickly putting together to help with my writers block so I can write my other story efficiently.


so now im just chilling on my bed

texting her.

This is insane

she is actually conversing with me!


shes so perfect and cute and beautiful and amazing.

Even the way she texts.

I cant belive it

im actually freaking out so bad right no and i have no idea how to respond to half of her texts but usually an LOL. or HAHAHAHAHA or oh. LOL. Ok. suffices.

so lol who do you like? ;)”


oh my

ummm idk lol”


oh ok. Lol ”

yea aha. What about you?”

i wish it was me

ummmm no one atm actually c:”

well i have to go so see you tomorrow at school. Bye :)”

oh. Ok bye :)”


that was...


I can't even believe she texted me...

I can't tell my friends about this!

They'll think I'm crazy.

A girl like her would never EVER like someone like me.

So why do I feel like there was something?

its probably just me being stupid like always.

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