For everything that has happened
From either past or present
My tears haven't fallen
No matter how great
No matter how small
The tears never fall
I'm happy
And bubbly
Cute and more
But there's more
It's not something you can see
Not with your eyes
Definitely not
My tears have been blocked off
And are flooding behind my eyes
It's a bad habit of not being able to cry
It hurts on the inside
When all the pain
All the doubt
And the sorrow
Are trapped inside a bottle
The bottle someday will burst
If I can't get my emotions out
I go through the day
With a straight face
Or a smile
That no one can see
All the pain
And Anger
Behind it
Oh how I hate not being able to cry
It's not weak to cry
But most say that it is weak
It's not true though
I sometimes find myself trying
And trying
To make myself cry
But the Dam of Tears won't budge
Holding back so many
There are only sometimes
When my tears leak out
But they only do for no reason
I don't understand
Why can't I cry
I want to
I want to be able to cry
So many tears I hold back
You don't even understand
I've gotten so used to it
I just can't cry anymore
When someone yells at me
I keep a straight face
When someone calls me a name
Just keep my face straight
It's odd
Usually when people get sad
Or mad
They cry
But I can't
They don't want to cry
They think it makes them weak
The weak one is me
Not being able to cry
Not being able to let it all go
I want to
I need to