County Cup!Yaaaaaaassssss!!

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(Dynamite is now BACK on the team,thanks to her begging the others)
L-Oh my god!You can't be serious!We're versing the CHEETAHS?
Ck-It's not so bad.And they aren't the younger team...
Asc-We are versing the 15-year-olds.
Acs-Now I feel awful.I was just kidding.
L-Wow.You are so nice.Just SO nice.😏
T-I didn't actually faint,either.So the joke is on YOU guys!😂😂😂
Ck-Kay girls,get ready!(Tells girls their positions)
W-Center forward!
P-Yasss!Left Defense!
A-Yea!Right Mid!
L-Center mid,'cuz I'm FAST!
T-Right Defense,'cuz I can PUNT!
D-Left forward,'cuz I can CROSS!
(all teamates scramble into positions)
D-(takes off with Wenda)
W-Katlynn!(passes to Dynamite)

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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