Chapter 10

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Mikky motioned for the family to wait while she exited the house and looked around. She motioned for Akeno to join her and the fox made her way over before allowing her hands to catch fire.

"Are there other people trapped here?" Kai asked.

"No. Everyone else was caught."  The son said. "We're alone."

Chysolite gave Akeno a thumbs up and Akeno unleashed her flame on the dark thorns which went up in flames rather quickly. Mikky motioned for the family to quickly run and they thanked Kai and Chysolite one more time before running out the way the four had come in. Akeno continued to burn away the rot and the black smoke rose up creating an obvious signal for any black knights in the area.

Kai watched Akeno's flame with her aura vision, almost mesmerized by its glow. It wasn't a normal flame, it was an extension of herself, and it only burned what she wanted it to. Only the rotting vines and thorns caught fire, the buildings remained standing.

Akeno didn't look like she enjoyed burning everything down. But instead looked like she was concentrating. Did she have to be careful not to spread her flame to the buildings?

Kai didn't know.

They waited in the clearing, watching Akeno's flame free the buildings from their thorny prison. The smoke raising into the sky giving away their position so well. But no one came to greet them. No Knights came out to attack them.

After several minutes, Akeno's flame died down revealing the crumbling town around them. The four of them glanced around and waited for anything to happen. For something to come charging out of the woods and attack them, but it never happened.

"Why are they not revealing themselves?" Akeno questioned.

"They don't care." Mikky answered.

"What do you mean they don't care?" Chysolite asked.

"They know their corruption has done its job." Kai explained. "The fire could have started by a candle, and normally no one would have survived it's blaze. They may investigate later, but they are in no rush."

"Surely they would be cautious knowing I am able to wield fire?" Akeno questioned.

"Perhaps." Kai shrugged.

"I can't see or sense anyone watching us though." Chysolite answered. "We're alone here."

Kai looked around once more before letting her magic fade, returning her to her blindness. Juan sat beside her watching his master curiously.

"We should keep moving." Mikky sighed. "We may not have attracted the Knights, but who knows what other monstrosities are waiting in the shadows."

"Agreed." Chysolite nodded.

"I'm sure we could get their attention if we burn our way through to the volcano." Akeno offered.

"But the question is, do we really want their attention?" Mikky asked. "We have the element of surprise for now."

"Shall we find out?" Kai asked.

"Hmm?" Akeno and Mikky looked at her curiously.

"Juan, can you find me something that might have belonged to a knight?" Kai answered as she knelt down and held out her hand.

Juan ran off into the village looking around for something he could give to his master. The fox eventually returned with a metal gauntlet which he dragged across the ground and placed in Kai's hand.

Kai placed her other hand over it and closed her eyes, concentrating on the glove between her hands. Her eyes widened and turned bright white as the vision took hold of her.

The Fox and The Cat 2 (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now