My life change

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Aphmau pov
- ugh where am I ? - ask Travis
- we know what you are! - said Lucinda
- what do you mean ? -ask Travis again
- mmm feisty... - said Lucinda
- Lucinda!! we are just trying to know him not integrating him - said Kathleen
- Kathleen!!!...- shouted Lucinda
- Guys!!!-  I shouted
- Travis we know your secret - I responded
- you do well there no need of hiding it from you....since you know - said Travis

Time skip
- so that's how I became a vampire in the first place - said Travis
- sooo let me get this straight you got trick by a vampire which then made you into a vampire.... - confirmed Kathleen
- .......yeah...... - said Travis powers or....something like that going on?-ask Travis
- yeah!! -said Lucinda
- Except me - I replied
- and me....... -said Kathleen depressed
- WHAT!!!!  YOU LET A HUMANS KNOW ABOUT US!!!- yell Travis
- Well.... I wasn't Human..... I got my powers taken a-away....-Kathleen said really depressed
- and I am human just over spoke,hehehe!!- I confirm
- HEY!! - yelled Lucinda
- know that y'all know my secret, time to get to business
- What do you mean?- ask Lucinda
- Zane....he is back- said Travis

Hahaha tan tan tooon!!!!
What will happen next????

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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