On the Run

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I walk briskly on the sidewalk, my footsteps barely audible over the roar of cars zooming past. Shadows dance around me, and the dim yellow shine of the streetlights are barely enough to guide my way.

I check my watch. 10:13 pm. Glancing up at the mushy black sky, I can just barely start to make out the faint silhouette of clouds gathering to unite their power into a thunderstorm. I have to find shelter soon.

I glance over my shoulder. It's become a constant habit of mine, locked into muscle memory over the course of years of trying to elude the prying eyes of the public. I've been sleeping behind gas station stores for what seems like ages. I figured there would be safest, where no one would come prowling around.

Soon, I arrive at a Kum and Go. By the looks of its faded red paint, rusting door hinges, and peeled off wood, it's pretty old. The area behind the building is veiled in shadows of black, good enough to conceal a little girl and her few shagged possessions from sight. But first- my stomach moans in discontented hunger. Two days without food makes me feel like my insides are chewing themselves up.

I walk up to the gas station shop, intending to furtively slip some food into my jacket, but my hand freezes on the ice cold handle of the door. I stare paralyzed at a half crumpled sheet of paper taped to the glass door.

Barely visible under smeared streaks of dirt are the words:

Wanted: Eliza Moon
$20,000 reward

And below it is a picture of me.

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