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You were walking around the park with your friend Nicole she said it would be fun for you two to just relax. You agreed and went with her. As you two were walking and talking your foot kicked something by something it was a basket. You stopped as you hear squeaking coming from the basket your friend Nicole says to you

"I wouldn't touch it if I was you"

"Why not? What if it an animal who needs help?"

"What if it's an ugly animal that will bite your hand off?"

You rolled your eyes and picked up the basket you friend coming her eyes to not see the "ugly animal" you open and tilt your head as you see a little mustard yellow grub with their little red and blue eyes watery yellow tears fall down as the grub looks at you. You smiled but your were confused what kind of animal it was there was a letter underneath the grub you gently pick up the grub and read the letter

Dear whom ever gets this little grub,
This grub is a boy a lovely boy who needs a home and someone willing to give him love. Yes, he will cry but that will pass on his name is Sollux Captor. By now you must be wondering where are his parents and why was he left alone...I'm the father of this grub and sadly I am dead by now..I don't have that much time to explain why am I dead. But please take care of this child for me make sure no harm will happen to him. And DO NOT GIVE HIM MIND HONEY.


You "aww" at Sollux as he wanted to cry again. You slightly shoos him he slowly falls asleep in your arms. You friend Nicole goes up to you and says

"Are you seriously going to keep him?"

"Hey his father is dead and there is no one to take care of him so I'll fill in the spot and take care of him like he was mine"

"Well he is yours"

"I know but you know what I meant"

You look down at Sollux peacefully sleeping you smile and move his hair out of his face. You think yourself

*i think I will be a good parent or at least I'll try to be..*

~Few Months later~

You were driving to the day care drinking your coffee {or what ever you drink} the baby playing with his stuffed bee giggling. And screaming you enjoyed every giggle but you would like it if he stopped screaming though you finally get to the day care you get down as you get behind your car and grabbed the baby bag for Sollux. You were gonna get Sollux down but you hear two women arguing. You turn around and hear their conversation
"This is the worst day care ever!!"

"Ma'am please be quite and let me explain-"

"Explain what that my child was sleeping in the bathroom no way that says enough I'm never going here again!!"

She walks away angrily as your eyes widen and looked at Sollux you needed someone to take of him. Nicole wouldn't take of him because she say he was "weird looking" you sighed as you get Sollux down and close your car door and locked it the lady sighs and rubs her head as she sees you approaching up to her

"Oh hello there how may I help you?"

"Um I'm leaving my baby here"

"Oh right right you might to go the nursing part so just give your phone number and name and you be at your work or place"

"I'm (your name) and its 223-5678"

"Great and what this fellas name?"

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