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Laurances POV
Did Aphmau just try to hold my hand? And ask for forgiveness RIGHT after she got pregnant? I'd always wanted her to love me, but I cant anymore. I can not love a person who I can not trust.
I look back at the house and debate getting Dante to watch her. Instead, I think A bit of time alone isn't going to hurt her.
I need to tell Garroth... he deserves to know. Garroth isn't in the village close by, so when I see Isabelle, I decide to ask where he is...
"Um... do you know where Garroth is Isabelle?"
"M... no I don't think so... Oh wait! I think I saw him earlier and said he waaaaaas.......... going to the ruins! That's it!" She giggles.
"You're cute.." I blurt out not thinking. I start to blush.
"I-I mean... Thank you!"
Isabelle giggles again.
"Anytime... Laurance..." I notice that she is blushing. Her cheeks look like the sunset above me.
"Um... see you around..."
I start to head off to the ruins, but think about Isabelle instead. I'm not sure why, but I feel tingly... like electricity running through my body.
Focus Laurance... I think to myself..
Then I notice something... my anger....and pain... it's seeming to fade....
I see Garroth up ahead, gazing at the fountain in the ruins.
"Hey... Garroth..."
"Laurance... I meant to speak to speak to you, but I haven't really had much time... I've been thinking about my mother, and just have been kind of distant..."
I'm taken by surprise when he says this.
" I should be apologizing to you... but...... that's not why I'm here Garroth."
Garroth turns toward me, and looks into my eyes. He can tell that something is up...
"it's Aphmau......"
"W-what?! What happened?! Is she okay?!"
I haven't thought about what I'm going to say....
"Um... I'm not sure... none of us are... you deserve to know this, even if it may be wrong to tell you."
Garroth gives me the 'spit it out' look.
"Aphmau is... pregnant..."
I see Garroths face fill with emotions. From confused, to startled, to sad, to angry.
I know what hes about to do, but don't have time to prepare.
Garroth takes off sprinting, and I follow. At first, I don't get why he's mad at me... but then it clicks in my mind. I need to catch up to him.
Of course, he doesn't.
When I see him go behind a tree, and turn a corner, I realize he probably had to take a breath. But while hidden from me.
I turn to the right, and walk down the path he's left. When it comes to an end, I turn back. Only to have a sword to my neck.
Blood starts to leave my face, and I see Garroth in his other form.
His tears are streaming down his cheeks.
"How could you Laurance?"
I try to speak, but he presses down harder. I can feel a bit of blood starting to stream from a shallow cut.
"P....pleas..." I try to get out. I feel my anger coming back to me, and I instinctively change to my shadow knight form. Garroth and I are equal now, and I feel his grip loosen a bit out of fear.
I take this chance, and grab his wrist and twist it enough that it hurts, but not enough to break it.
"Gah!" Garroth exclaims.
He really needs to work on his fighting techniques.... he's very weak right now, and I haven't even done much.
"I'll stop if you let me explain!" I shout at him.
"There's no explaining to be done." He says in a low menacing voice.
I'm taken aback at his sudden jolt of strength as he uses his sword and slices it into my arm.
He digs in his sword deeper and I feel the thick, sticky blood trickling down my forearm...
My vision starts to black out around the edges.
"G-garroth... it... wasnt... me."
His eyes widen, and he pulls his sword out of my arm.
"Ya right... then who was it?"
Right then, I pass out...
********* 1 hour later
I wake up in a cot, with Garroth by my side.
"S...Sorry about that..."
"Good job Sherlock..."
We both grin a bit even though I'm in pain. I look around and make sure no one is there. My arm is bandaged, so I get up.
"Cmon... I've gotta talk to you."
Garroth follows without question.
We walk into the woods in a secluded area where no one can hear us.
"So?" Garroth says quietly...
"It's.... Aaron......"
He can tell I'm pissed by the tone of my voice.
" Aaron? The one who died for me?"
Before Garroth can say anything, I see a figure walk out of the trees.
I see her luscious pink hair and bright blue eyes as she approaches with finesse...
"Well well well... Aphmau js pregnant you say? With Aarons baby... What a shaaame..." Ivy says in a mocking tone.
Both Garroth and I look at each other, and turn into our forms.
"Ohhhh... so you got some forms I see..."
She looks at Garroth "And you... I see you have the Romaeve relic? Just what I need! The last 2 relics remain in a weak pregnant woman, and a pathetic excuse of a man..."
Garroths face contorts into his 'I'm pissed now' face.
"Oh... and by the way... your mother said to tell you that she loved you.... at least her death was a painful one." Her laugh turns into an evil smile.
As fast as light, Garroth charges at Ivy, but then I see Ivys wings. They're black, unlike Aphmaus and they look more evil.
"Hahahaha! You poor little thing... I'm afraid I'll have to continue this later tootles!"
As she spreads her wings, I take my sword and aim it at her right wing... then... I throw...
Ivy cries out, and falls out of the sky... for once in her life, she looks scared. Garroth sees his chance and puts his sword to her neck.
And with that, Garroth pushes down. A large spurt of blood splatters across the trees with a sucking sound.
I look down at her motionless body, and hope that she's with Zane... somewhere evil, just like her.

That was... long... I hope you like it... there will be one more part, and an epilouge...

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