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Prolouge : I am running through the forest. I can feel the sticks cracking under my feet. I loudly gasp at the sharp pains. I can hear something chasing me . I can feel it coming . I hear a swoosh sound and I feel an arrow slowly graze the side of my neck and I fall to the floor. I stay there just panting and I feel someone scoop me into there arms and begin running. I look up and it is my brother just dragging me along . We hear a loud gunshot and we both jump. He falls to the floor and I fall onto him. We are both laying there breathing hard...... I hear something in the woods near us . We see our father and we run to him and he puts his gun gently in his pocket and he holds me . I feel calm my brother doesn't run to him or move at all he just lays there. My father picks me up and begins to walk away not even looking back for him . I quickly scream " Brother come on" I start reaching for him and he quickly comes and snatches me out of my fathers hand .

Chapter 1: Hello my name is Claire

I wake up and scratch my head for a little and I hear a knock at my door I walk over to the door and open it . My brother has a suit on and his hair slicked back . He looks like he wants to kill everyone . He looks at me and says " Mom wants you " I look at his suit and can't help it I begin to laugh . He looks at me and says " Its not funny " I stop laughing and say " I'm sorry I'll be down in a little while " . I run to my shower and I take a long shower when I come out I quickly take a look outside it is beautiful . I dry my hair and put on my dress and some sandals . By the way I love sandals. I hear a quick rock hit my window and I see my brother gesturing me to come out . I quickly run outside and I bust out of the front door . Everyone stops and looks at me . I slowly walk out and I see my mom saying hello to many people . She walks up to me and says " What are you wearing ?" I look at her and say " I like this outfit can I please wear it " she shoots me a death stare and I walk back into the place to change . I see my brother standing alone and a girl approaches him I was going to go to him but then again he might get lucky.

I change into this stupid dress and I put on some heels . I walk out of the room and I walk out the font door and the sun hits my eyes hard . I see my brother by himself again . I quickly walk over to him and say " So how did it go ?" he looks at me and says " I told her to leave me alone or I would behead her personally " I shoot him a death stare and he smiles at me and says " I love you too " he walks away from me and I see my mom coming over to me she looks me up and down and says " Perfect " I walk over to the people and begin to introduce myself . I have tried so hard these past years to be an exact replica of my mother because when she dies and they no longer have her they will probably want someone who is just like her . I have realized that if I put in enough effort I could do it .

My brother is a whole different story he is currently 21 and he still has not found his to be bride . He hates every female except me . I think if he ever gets married it will be a forced marriage and he won't be happy . All I ever wanted was for my brother to be happy but he makes that impossible . My father left years ago claiming that my mother had done something . I was way to young to understand my father and brother never had a good bond but my brother got hurt the most when he left . He doesn't talk to my mom unless he has to and swears that he will never be like our father. He never leaves his room unless ordered to and always threatens to run away.

I am currently 17 and I am very boring. Most people think so except my brother. As a child I was always limited to everything I did and said. I never really had a mind of my own. When I am with my brother he always makes me feel as though I belong. I am a very strong person. When my father left I didn't shed a tear. I feel as though I will never waste my tears unless they are 100% needed. My brother is my inspiration and he is someone I would never want to be looked down by. I have not yet found a to be husband yet but I have a feeling my mom will pick that for me too. She already picks my shoes, clothes, sentences, greetings, habits, and features. I know most of you must be thinking that I am a spoiled brat because I live in the most beautiful place I live in a castle and all. I am not like that at all I would love to go out into the world sometimes but I am afraid that it will be just like this and I will have no one to help me. I will be lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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