Chapter 1: Life As A Demon

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I live in the higher class of hell. Not with my father of course. Now that I am 16, he's given me an order to live on my own not too far from him. He wants to be able to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't do something awful like feed the poor... or talk to an angel... or worst of all. Just the thought of it sends an ugly shiver down my spine, fall in love.

I've never met my father before, but I know he watches me. I take the commands from him everyday that are sent to me on small bomb. When I notice that it's there, I hit a button to open it and I have 10 seconds to read the command before it explodes. The explosives my father has sent me in the past have taken my head off more times than I can count. It's a dangerous job just to get the order of what to do for the day. Not that it really matters anyway since I'm invincible.

It's not possible for me to die. I would know since I've tried to kill myself a few times in the past. I've never enjoyed the ways of living down here. I guess you can say in a theoretical, truthful way, it is hell.

When I was younger, I got a book from the scary story section. It was called The Vampire Diaries. I read it to the point where the two main characters had their first kiss and then I set the book on fire. I liked it at first when Elena talks about her parents death after it somehow was driven off a bridge but she sadly survived.

I would've been more than happy if the book just ended right there but instead she died with her parents who clearly never knew how to drive in the first place. My opinion, they were better off in that lake drowning.

I've never really been into scary books. The one that was almost made illegal because it was so ear bleeding scary. Way too much affection and I was stupid and chose to read it. It was called Fifty Shades of Grey. I don't know what the heaven this author was thinking, but these characters were stupid. All they ever did was have sex and do.. BDSM.. whatever that stands for.

I throw up a little in my mouth just at the thought of anything vanilla anymore.

Right now I'm hanging out in my small apartment that my father stole for me. I have to go to work in a few minutes. Today, my command was to torture the people of lower class who have questioned the existence of our ruler. In our world, that is one of our biggest rules. If you break it, you meet my father. And that is not an honor.

I pull out the list of ways to cut and cook the male body. I am so glad that I'm never assigned to torture the females. They're a lot more sensitive, which means very very annoying. But my father feeds off of their screams.

After the interrogation, I go back home and start writing a letter to the messenger, who gives it to the commander, who gives it to my father.


I know you're watching me but I don't know if you can read my thoughts. If you can, then you'd know that I am seeking to meet mother up above in the world of life. I am asking for permission to be turned into a human so I can visit her. I need your potion to do so and power to be sent there. Please write back,

Burn in Hell,


I put the letter in the box of fire where the messenger will sense that it's there and pick it up in a few minutes. The paper here is indestructible and can't be burned up. The box of fire is just protection from others.

My mother does live in the world above but I have no desire to meet her. She had the chance to take me with her when she stole my father's potion and turned human. But instead she left me here in hell and for that, I will never forgive her. My father is incapable of seeing into the earth. Otherwise, he would've stolen my mother back and forced her to raise me. My whole life has been practically raising myself while demons were sent to watch me grow up and now I live on my own. That's my life story. Nothing exciting about it.

After two days, I had received a letter in the mail and it wasn't a bomb. Today is my day off. It was a letter back from father. I open the envelope and unfold the paper.


It brings interest to me that you're looking meet your mother. Tomorrow, I will send you a bottle of potion, which will not only turn you human, but transport you directly to earth. It will come in a box with instructions on how to use it. I trust that you do research on the American lifestyle so that you fit in. You will be sent to California. But I want you to note that this is not a vacation. This is a mission to where you are to bring your mother back to me. You have 6 months to find her and do so. If you do not return to me before that time is up, you will remain human. I hope you know what that means and if you don't, you'll find out eventually. Be very cautious around things that can bring you danger because if you die as a human, you do not come back to life or back here. I trust that you will fulfill this mission on time.

Your Father,


I put the paper down and my whole body goes numb. I'm really leaving.. I get to leave. I can stay on earth forever if I let the time up.


The next day I check my mailbox of fire and there's nothing in it. I think I'm just eager to get the stuff and go. I'm honestly very excited about leaving. I've checked the box at least 6 times already today and it's not even noon. My main goal when I get to earth is to just live as a normal 16 year old would.

Which actually makes me wonder, how does a normal 16 year old live their life? Is it just the opposite of what we do here? Do we get daily commands in a box of sunshine and instructions on how to L-.. L-.. ew ew. I can't even say the word.

I hate my father and my lifestyle here, but I still have some respect for myself. Maybe that's what father meant when he said I'll eventually find out what it means when I become human. Maybe if I say the word, it will kill me. I actually wonder if that's a side effect of the potion. If it is, it would be in the instructions.

Suddenly I hear people screaming and crying outside. "Ugh." I place my hand on my forehead in frustration. "Newbies." The one thing I don't like about me having my own place is that it right next to the graveyard. The place where all the new dead souls enter.

The people who are usually sent here are the murderers, war starters, suicides... well that actually makes sense how that never worked for me. If you kill yourself, you're sent here.

Out of nowhere I'm thrown to the ground by the shaking and pressure from a bomb that went off just outside. More screaming women and more headaches for me. Oh wait, it's here! I run outside and quickly find my way to the box. The smoke has never really been a problem. After a while, you'll get use to it.

I open the package as soon as I step inside and see another letter from father.


In this box you should find the potion to turn you human and transport you to earth. Follow the instructions very carefully and be prepared to possibly explode. Don't worry, that's just a common side effect. Either way, the outcome will be the same. Find your mother and bring her back. The time for 6 months will be set as soon as you step foot on earth. It also has a GPS tracker in it, so even though I won't be able to watch you, I will be sending demon spirits to check on you every once in awhile so they can report your progress back to me.

I look deeper in the package and find a small box with a sealed vial that contains a little purple liquid. Turning over the piece of paper with father's letter on it, I find the instructions.


1. Must take blood oath- Promise to do what you are being sent to do. If not done, potion will show no effect

2. Take during the hour of 3am- it's the demon hour. The time that evil souls may temporarily escape hell. So during this hour, you will have a quicker effect

3. Do not drink this- To become human, you need to inject it into your bloodstream so it completely changes your DNA. Best starting point is in the neck where all the major arteries are. (There is a needle syringe in the box).

4. Most importantly- DO NOT kiss anyone while potion is in effect.

I throw up a little in mouth. Ew, why would I ever kiss someone. Isn't that something you do with your lips with another person's lips? No thank you. I prefer to keep my mouth to myself... And my lunch.

I check my watch again. Only 12 more hours.  

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