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The friends i have right now i really could not have for any better , shit i thought i was probably gonna have the worst year ever, but boy did my assumptions were wrong. My first day was weird as ever. I was a seventh grader put in sixth grade AND IT WAS WEIRD BECAUSE I HAD A VERY NOTICEABLE FACIAL HAIR, GLASSES AND A WHITE POLO SO I WAS STICKING OUT REALLY BAD. Two days later i got my seventh grade classes and the first class i walked in was civics ( 7th Period) it weird because once again the spotlight was on me and i sat down at a table with a group of kids and on that day i met a girl who would become probably my closest friend ever ( MAJOR MAJOR BLESS CACLA). Then like 15 minutes later lunch happened and came a lot of questions. "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" "DID YOU FAIL A GRADE?" "YOU CANT BE 12 LOOK AT HOW TALL YOU ARE AND THAT FACIAL HAIR?". By the time i got to lunch i knew who i wanted to hang out with it really was not that hard i like the outcast group and i hate the norm cliques because i rather would rather be an outcast and be weird than try and fit in (but not that to weird you know). So i sat down with the people i would try to befriend. The group consisted of a tall black girl , short Hispanic (WHO I THOUGHT WAS HELLA CUTE IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LIKE REAL BAD) but back to the topic and there was the girl i met back when i first got to class. so this girl who looked kinda shady to me asked a question that kinda changed the mindset i would go for.

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