A Little Mishap

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I bit hard onto my pencil, fuming with annoyance. My left eye was most lightly twitching, and I could actually feel the perspiration forming on my brow. 

'Does no-one know the answer to this question?' Said the teacher smiling, as though she knew full well no-one knew the answer to how Henry the eighth died.

I, however, had every known fact that was ever discovered about Henry the eighth all in my head, so this question was driving me absoloutely crazy. If I said anything I might accidentally freak everyone out, but just this one question...

'Anybody?' Said the teacher, her voice dripping with fake disappointment.

My eyes skimmed across the room very swiftly to where 3 of the popular girls sat. They were all staring straight at me whispering and giggling. I obviously looked like an absoloute idiot, with my twitchy eyes and sweaty brow. Well, I'd show them.

My hand lifted slowly up into the air.

'What are you doing??' 

Ashley's harsh whisper rang into my ears from behind me, but I could hear Misty whispering back to her.

'Come on Ash, it's only one question.'

I grinned.

'Ah, do you know the answer Rocky?' Asked the teacher politely, slightly taken aback, that I, the 'shy girl who never answered questions' had put her hand up.

I cleared my throat.

'Henry the eighth became morbidly obese and suffered from heath problems causing death.'

'Thank you Rocky.' Said the teacher mildly surprised. 'Now...'

But I wasn't done yet.

'The fact is, is that his waist measurement became 54 inches or 140 centermetres, and he had to be helped around by mechanical devices. He was covered in many numerous pus-filled boils, and had a possible sufferage from gout. These problems may have been kick-started by his jousting leg wound he had during the year 1536 and his leg injury prevented him from continuing his sporting activities, most lightly the cause of obesity, then death. And... that's how he died. Also, he was born on the 28th of June, 1491, and he died on the 28th of January in 1547. He became king on April the 21st, 1509, and stayed on the throne until death. '

The teacher just stared at me with utter disbelief, along with the rest of the class. The girls who were once laughing at me, were now looking at me in complete shock with their mouths wide open like the idiots they were. The realisation of what I had just said suddenly hit me, and I gasped covering my mouth.

'I told you!' Hissed Ashley from behind me, but I could hear Misty chuckling.



I'm gonna give you all a little taste of the side effects of when you have superpowers and you're trying to hide them *wink* I started with Rocky, cuz I figured it sounded pretty funny, and next is.............. 


Misty! Hahahahah stay in tuned, cuz it's gonna get UUUUG-LEYYYY *grins evilly* 

Byeeeee xx

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