Chapter 1

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I woke to the sound of a scream, then Baby Angela crying. Mickey and Yumi laid at the end of my bed sleeping away. Mickey is my male three year old obedient German Shepherd, Lab mix. Yumi is my female one year old ragdoll cat. She has the softest grey fur and the brightest blue eyes. She also has a white muzzle. I love them both so much.

I propped myself up from my bed onto my elbows as Angela cried. Shouldn't mom be taking care of her already? I groaned and pulled the warm blanket from my body. Cold air attacked me and I shivered. Mickey and Yumi woke up and trotted out of my room after me. I glanced at my watch Dad gave me before he left for overseas. It was about 4AM. I opened Angela's door and walked over to her crib.

Angela was only six months old. She wasn't even my real sister, my mothers friend died and we adopted Angela. I glanced down at her as she slowly stopped crying, seeing someone finally giving her attention. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. She closed those grey blue eyes and fell back asleep. I've always loved her brown curls that grew so quickly.

My main wonder was where was mom? Mom woke up every time Angela cried. I just remembered that the thing that woke me up was a scream. Maybe it was my younger sister, Caitlynn. She tended to have nightmares. She's only 8 so her mind is pretty creative still.

I shut Angela's door and walked over to Caitlynn's room. Caitlynn slept soundly on her bed. I was the only one with a dog and cat in this house. Caitlynn had a bunny named Princess and Angela was far too young for pets. After I was convinced Caitlynn hadn't been the one to scream, who was?

My stomach growled so I made my way to the kitchen. Yumi hopped up on the counter and meowed at me. Mickey sat at my feet and stood on his hind legs by himself. They must be hungry. I laughed and opened the cupboard to grab the bacon dog treats. Mickey stuck his nose in the air and I dropped a treat into his mouth. I commanded him to speak, sit, roll over, shake, and play dead. I had always played with Mickey and taught him tricks. He didn't seem to mind, he was very intelligent and enjoyed treats. I gave him a bone and he laid on the floor and chewed it.

It was one of those dental chews for dogs. But Mickey has pretty good teeth so that explains. I gave Yumi a few treats of her own to nibble off the counter since she was crying at me to feed her too. I finally got to myself and made a Nutella sandwich. Nutella is the best. After I finished it I grabbed the orange juice half gallon then a bag of grapes and made my way back to my room.

I glanced into the living room and saw the TV was on, then I saw mom staring at it as the news man frantically spewed information to mother. I raised an eyebrow, "Mom?" She said, "What." In the most plain, distracted voice I've ever heard. I walked over and sat on the other couch. "What are you so focused on?" I asked her.

She continued to stare at the TV so I sat back and munched on grapes and decided to see what the newsman had to say. Mickey laid in his dog bed and Yumi curled up in my lap. "Stay in your homes, lock your windows and doors, keep the news on and we'll keep you updated. Stay safe."

Mom spoke quietly to the TV, "It's the Swanson's." The Swanson's were our neighbors. "What about them? Mom, what's going on?" I asked her. She seemed to snap out of her trance and looked at me. "Get Caitlynn and Angela," She commanded. I stood, "Mom, tell me what's happening!" She stood and stared at me, "The Swansons have gone crazy. Something is wrong. They are.. Sick, or something. Now go get Angela and Caitlynn!"

I blinked, "Sick? What do yo-" She interrupted, "Now, Hayleigh!" I set my orange juice and grapes on the end table and hurried to Angela's room first. I picked her up gently so I wouldn't awake her. Mickey rushed excitedly as I made my way to Caitlynn's room. Yumi still slept on the couch I'm sure.

"Caitlynn, wake up!" I said. She groaned, "Two minutes.." I shook her with one hand since I held Angela in my other arm, "Wake the hell up!" She opened her eyes, "You know what mom says about swearing!" I hissed quietly at her, "Just get up and follow me!" She groaned and wrapped her blanket around herself then reached down to grab her bunny, Princess. "She can wait, Caitlynn, let's go. Mom is really crazed right now," I told Caitlynn. She sighed then blew a kiss at Princess then chased after me and Mickey towards the living room.

"Alright, now what, mom?" I asked. She stared at me from the front door. She threw the keys at me, "Keep everything locked and all of you in the living room." I stepped toward her, "Mom, where are you going?" She said, "Out. I'm getting food before everyone else does. We're going to be holed up here for a while. Keep your baby sisters safe while I'm gone. Don't open the door for anyone. I have a key too. When I get back I'll need help from you to bring everything in, got it?"

I nodded quickly. She walked over and kissed each of our foreheads. She told us she loved us. "I love you too, Mom. See you soon," I said. Something passed through her face. Doubt, maybe. She nodded, "Goodbye, my angels." And with that, she left. Caitlynn plopped onto the couch and turned on Disney, "What was up with that?" I snatched the remote from her and put the news back on. "Hey!" She said, lunging for the remote. I pushed her away.

"We have to keep it on. Go feed Princess real fast then come back out," I ordered. She sighed, "Fine." She trotted away towards her room. I set Angela in her bouncy chair since she had been awake since mom left. She didn't cry, though. I was always her favorite. I looked at Mickey, "Sit."

Mickey sat beside Angela. "Stay," I ordered, then turned and went to Angela's room. I filled her baby bag and then shoved her crib out to the living room. Caitlynn sat beside her and played with her. Mickey sat where I left him. Luckily, her crib had wheels, so I didn't push too hard. I pulled Angela out of the bouncer and set her in her crib. I turned on her mobile that played, "Mary had a little lamb."

Creepy as it was, Angela fell right to sleep. Caitlynn complained, "I'm hungry!" I sighed, "Stay put." I walked over to the kitchen and made her some dinosaur oatmeal quickly then rushed it back out to her. She sat on the couch staring at the TV, "The Swanson's? What's wrong with them? Is Tommy okay?" Tommy was her nine year old friend. I sighed, "I don't know. Eat your oatmeal.'

She frowned but ate it gladly. I sat on the other couch and nibbled on my grapes and taking an occasional sip from the orange juice. I stroked Yumi's soft head and she purred in her sleep. Mickey slept beside Angela's crib. I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Before I could wake myself up, I fell into the comforting blackness of sleep.


"Hayleigh! Wake up!" Caitlynn cried to me, shaking me. "Huh?" I said, groggy from sleep. "There's someone at the door! I think it's Tommy's dad but I don't know," she said quickly. I noticed the sound of pounding at the door. Nobody was talking but I think I heard grunts or moans. I stood up. Mickey was at the door growling meanwhile Yumi slept on the couch.

"Alright, alright, don't panic. Take Angela to my room and hide in there until I say come out, alright? Lock the door," I ordered. She grabbed Angela and rushed to my room. Alright, Hayleigh, don't panic. Maybe it's just Tommy's dad and he wants... Something.. I don't know.

I remembered dad had a safe in moms room that contained money and a pistol. He told me to only go in it for emergency but this situation seemed sufficient. I rushed to moms room and went to the back of her closet for the safe. It's combination was.. 1996. The year of my parents first born child. Me.

I pulled open the safe and nervously grabbed the pistol. I made my way to the front door. I stood about eight feet away. "Don't come in, I'll shoot!" I hollered. The groans, pounding, and scratching didn't stop. I stood there for what felt like forever then I walked over to the door and looked through the window and saw Mr. Swanson. He was making a bunch of noise. Through the dark of the night I really couldnt see his face. I unlocked the door and he fell into the house. He laid on the floor for a minute and I said, "Mr. Swanson?" He jerked his head up at me and growled- yeah, growled!- at me. I stumbled backward and he crawled forward smacking his jaws together as if chewing.

He came closer and closer and I yelled "Stop there!" He groaned in response and nearly grabbed my leg. I lifted the pistol towards him and shot him in the head. His head dropped to the floor and he laid limp. I kicked at him but he didn't move. I sighed, still confused as to what the hell just happened, then ran to the door and slammed it. I bolt locked the door then for safety, chain locked it.

Mr. Swanson still laid unmoving on the floor. I frowned. If Caitlynn were to see this she'd freak out and hide. I kicked his body once more to insure he was dead then grabbed his heels and pulled him to the coat closet. I shut the closet then made my way back to the couch. I stared out the living room window and waited for mom to come home.

Eventually I called Caitlynn to come back down. She put Angela in her crib then laid next to me on the couch. She kept asking me questions but I didn't respond.

I killed Mr.Swanson.

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