Introducing chapter

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Copyright 2013-14 by SnowWolf Thank you enjoy reading!

****Ivory POV***


Born as a Castle Witch is not easy. We come from a line of the most powerful witches on earth... our ancestors have long line of history. We were once feared by all supernatural being. Witch walked the earth in control. Now we are forced to hide away. Death can easily be around the corner.
My name is Ivory Castle, Castle is pronounced as "Cast-ell". This is my story. I lost my mother at birth and my father sold him and I to a pack of wolves called Crues Blood pack, one of the largest packs out there. I hate wolves because when my dad sold us that meant they owned us. Yes we became there servants, my dad worked down in the mines where other servant males worked or the rouges that were captured. There land was built over giant mines which brought in money all over the world for many supplies. Then there was me the only sold female. I was 6 when my dad sold us off. The terms from my dad were, Shelter and a steady Job for him. Also that I could help too. I was the servant in the pack house. Lastly my father wanted me to attend school all the way. I hated it!

They bullied me and pushed me around. Verbally abused me and took advantage of me. The she wolves were the worst. They would pull my hair. Call me names loudly. Dump food on me. Till this day I am the most humiliated person in that school. Though as I got older she would push me into lockers at school and fight me in front people. I never fought back my dad said never fight wolves back. I wanted to make my dad proud by sticking with the school terms.

My fathers reasoning on why he sold us, was because he didn't want to be homeless and he wanted a place to call home. This isn't home never will be! Our Coven was burnt down and witches didnt have homes. Barely jobs, Wolves and other supernatural took over. They feared us. My dad was a warlock of the Castle and my mom was human. as I was told... I was so powerful in my mom's worm; being born was too hard on my mom. Her human body couldn't handle me. Luckily my dad doesn't blame me. But sad to say he blames himself for falling for a human. I couldn't help but have her on my mind daily. As to it was partly my fault. I killed her. My dad never got over this. He would work hard and come home Crack a beer. Then drink his sorrows. I would have to take care of him as everyone else in the pack. . Done that my whole life never had a real child hood!

He always told me never to do magic because it was not allow. That was one of the rules. "NO magic on there land" I am not going to lie I study in my room. I learned a lot on my own and my dad doesn't know... He did teach me a few ways to protect myself and they wouldn't know if it was magic or not. I couldn't help myself. It's who I am. It's like telling them there never allowed to shift!

I hated this life; I still don't get how this would be home to him. We works for a pack of mutts who have no respect for us. I sometime feel he did it because of a punishment for loving a human and killing her. But I hurt too. I think about him punishing me too. It wasn't my felt I came out and hurt her. I do have this link feeling of love towards her even though I never met her. I love her and missed her very much.

My dad never talks about her just one time at 10 years old he gave me a picture of her. Told me to always know that I am beautiful because of her and I get my powers from him. I really wish I would have had her around. I would be more girly if I had female advice. But because I only have my dad I wasn't ever a girly girl and I am very tough and handle emotions more than other female. Emotion break you. Emotions get you caught. They get you in trouble or danger. I taught a lot of stuff to myself. To protect. Nothing will break me.

When I say I get bullied that means just pushed and called names, they even call me slut and stuff. I never been with a man by choose. I was taken advantage of by force. Nightmare that I try to bury in the very back of my mind. I have always wanted a boyfriend since I was like 15, my dad always tells me they are all trouble specially wolves. I told my dad hell no for having a werewolf as a boyfriend. But I do have a really close guy friend, he is rouge he was captured at the age of 10 and they held him and made him a servant like my dad. My dad practically helped raise him. Cyrus was a best friend to me. He is also helping me escapes when I turn 18 I will run away forever.

I will miss my dad but I will come back for him as soon as I find few more witches to set him free. They will regret ever treating us wrong, and the one I most wanted to hurt was worst bully of them all Alpha Dezmorr. He is always telling me what to do and yells at me sometimes pushes me around. He only once smacked me across the face few months ago when I spit at him. But something in him seemed to regret it but he covered it up with his big fat ego.

When him and his friend are partying they will make fun of me, and sometime his mutt of friends will make perverted comments about me. One particular moment his friend Westen would grab my butt when he walks by or make comments in my ear that would make me so uncomfortable. But he never does it around Alpha Dezmorr only when no one's looking. But around everyone he calls me ugly and pathetic.

I am not ugly I don't think so, I am curvy/skinny. But I don't wear tight ass clothes to show it. I have hazel eyes with tent of red. My hair is black, with light natural flow curls down my back to my waist. When I do spell or do hard magic my eyes go between an ice blue and white. It is pretty crazy to see and kind of scary but its not ugly.

Alpha Dezmorr he hates witches because one put a spell on his mother that she would never love again. His mother went buzrk and killed herself. Hung herself in her garden house behind the pack house Dez never goes out there. He became meaner and never shows soft feelings towards people.

There something about Alpha Dezmorr that I can't ever get out my mind. But I hate him at the same time I have secret feelings for him. He is naturally gorgeous to me. Sexy hot mess of brown hair. Really attractive! The most Aqua blue eyes that seem to glow. His body is muscular every curve in his body fit perfectly. His board shoulders that lead down to his nice hard chest to his cut abs all the way down to his Sharpe torso. Even though he is every girls dream man. I hate his guts and would magically make him miserable!

***Introduction****please keep reading********

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