Coming for Coffee (or comfort)

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When Hoseok pushes the door open to Café Comfort, his legs are tingly and weak. The walk from the bus stop is longer than he remembers it being and he's only mildly worried about his left lung that may or may not be about to collapse.

It's probably just his imagination, it's really not that long and Hoseok has been neglecting his health, but he still just pretends it's gotten longer instead of facing the facts, even if they take the form of a bull staring him down.

The café is good size, larger than what it really needs to be, considering its top time for coffee and the place isn't even too busy. There's some leather sofa's set up near the windows, healthy plants always sitting or hanging somewhere and there's no shortage of décor to make the place feel really warm and comfortable. Seokjin's always had that effect on people, so it's no surprise that his café is like a shop version of a Seokjin.

The line at the front counter is seven people long, and he seriously debates just sitting in one of the booths for a while, but he needs his coffee if he wants to function properly. So he sucks it up and joins the line anyway, pulling out his phone with the intention of passing the time by playing Color Change.

Namjoon had been excited to show him the app a few weeks ago, even more excited to get Hoseok to download the game so they could compete. Too bad Hoseok's beating him at his own game, considering right after the initial intro Namjoon's high score became a joke next to Hoseok's.

He's not sorry.

Not 2 levels in and twenty seconds after he joins the line does he hear someone call his name. He looks up and sees Seokjin peaking over the counter at him, smiling. "The usual?" He calls, and Hoseok has to strain to hear him because Seokjin is just so soft spoken sometimes, and the music playing through the speakers drowns it. He nods, grinning, and goes to sit down.

Did he mention he loves Seokjin? Like, a lot.

He can definitely feel irritated stares stuck to his back though, it's early in the morning and most people are hell before their first coffee, so he tries to take it lightly. If they knew the owner they wouldn't be complaining, so why should he? It still finds a way to make him anxious, and he walks a bit faster, as if he thinks they'll bite him if he's not quick enough.

He occupies his normal seat, a secluded booth in the far corner of the café next to a window. He only take a brief glance out, then continues to obliterate Namjoon's high score.

He hadn't really had much time on his hands lately, so this is the first time in weeks that he's had time to actually enjoy his coffee in the shop, most days he's literally running out in a rush to get to his class.

He feels bad about his poor time management, because Seokjin gets lonely easy, even if he's got a whole business to handle. He lives alone and doesn't go to a college, so most of his free time in the week is spent on his own. Hoseok's told him before he should try making friends outside of what he's got, or at lease try getting closer to Yoongi, since their of similar age and lifestyles, but Seokjin is somewhat shy.

He is too invested in a gravity level to notice Seokjin approaching until he's putting Hoseok's usual coffee in front of him along with a plate of two fish-shaped pastries tucked into a tan napkin.

"I thought you'd like Hotteok" He says as he slides into the seat across from Hoseok.

"Since it's been getting colder outside" Seokjin emphasizes. Hoseok knows it's more than that, more like an excuse to feed him, but he's not complaining one bit.

"Thank you" Seokjin looks up and smiles at him "Anytime" He's wearing one of those ridiculously thick turtlenecks that make him look like a grandpa, and there's a pink name tag clipped to it.

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