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Hey, this is my story. When I was 8 I told my mom "I think I'm lesbian" in tears. She told me that is was okay and no matter what she would still love me even though she thinks it's just a phase.

Summer 2015, 2 weeks before school started. That was they day I first came out as bi sexual. The day that would change my life forever.

To hold on to the last days of summer a couple of friends and I decided to have a sleepover, let's call them olive, Mary, and Haley.

Olive was a gamer and an introvert. She only cared about games. She found me hurt and alone in 6th grade. I use to be popular but they were so mean so I left them, alone. Olive was the only one there but she made me cry every night.

Mary use to go to a catholic private school, there she was bullied. I have never been very close to her. She always pushes people away and is very manipulative.

Then there was Haley, my first kiss, my killer , my best friend, my executioner. She became my best friend after this night. I would experience so many things with her. Learn so much about her. She had big eyes and straight brownish hair.

And lastly me, Lizzie, the girl who has been hurt so many times. The girl who trusts to easily. The girl who hurts herself so others don't. The girl who failed.

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