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Don't you know how much you mean
Don't you know know how loved you are
Sister let me tell you what you mean to me

To me you are smile
For me you lend a shoulder
In my eyes you are a sister

How much I love you
How much I wish I could show you
The importance you hold

How could anyone have left you
I hate what she's done to you
Leaving you broken on the floor

I hate what I've done to you
Breaking your trust
How sorry I am

I hate the blades
That cut your beautiful skin
For it is not paper

I hate the mirrors
That lie to you
Saying your not enough

So beautiful sister
Please listen to me
With an open ear

You are ment to be kept
I will never toss you away
She lost her greatest gift

I hope you know
That I love you
And will never again drop you

Set down the blade
Please don't hurt yourself
Your worth so much more

I wish you could see yourself
In the light
That mirror is lying

I hope that you see your worth
I hope you know your loved
But most of all

I hope that you can love you
live life with a true smile
And I'll be there to see it

Sister knows who they are! I hope when you read this you can hear my heart. And that you smile knowing that I'm thinking of you

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